
Trump Praises 'Great Patriots' in New Hampshire for Demanding AZ-Style Full Audit


Former President Donald Trump celebrated the “great patriots” who successfully pushed for a full audit of Windham, New Hampshire, after a hand recount found a significant discrepancy in the number of votes Republican candidates should have received in November’s election.

“Congratulations to the great Patriots of Windham, New Hampshire for their incredible fight to seek out the truth on the massive Election Fraud which took place in New Hampshire and the 2020 Presidential Election,” the 45th president said in a Thursday statement.

“The spirit for transparency and justice is being displayed all over the Country by media outlets which do not represent Fake News,” he added. “People are watching in droves as these Patriots work tirelessly to reveal the real facts of the most tainted and corrupt Election in American history.

“Congratulations Windham — look forward to seeing the results.”

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The New Hampshire secretary of state’s office released a statement earlier this spring explaining the circumstances that led to the audit following a hand recount of state representatives’ races in Rockingham County, District 7.

“Democratic state representative candidate Kristi St. Laurent requested a recount after losing her race by 24 votes. The results of the recount showed the four republican candidates each gaining approximately 300 votes and St. Laurent losing 99 votes,” the statement read in part.

“The nearly 400 vote difference is a large discrepancy, and we would all like to know what happened. While the paper work and procedures related to the election night results and the recount are still under review, an explanation of what may have occurred is not obvious,” the secretary of state’s office added.


The machines were not connected online, according to the election officials.

“A great deal of the speculation about the difference in vote totals centers around the AccuVote ballot counting devices used in New Hampshire elections,” the statement read.

The secretary’s office noted that the intellectual property rights of the AccuVote devices are owned by Dominion Voting Systems.

Counts generated by Dominion Voting Systems machines utilized in Georgia and Michigan were found to be inaccurate by thousands of votes in some instances (whether by human error or otherwise) when hand recounts were conducted.

The New Hampshire secretary of state’s office pointed out, “There were 16 recounts held after the 2020 General Election involving state representative, state senate and executive council districts.

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“The recounts involved approximately 168,000 ballots representing more than 22 percent of the ballots cast in the 2020 General Election. The Windham state representative district was the only recount with a discrepancy outside of what one would expect to see from a machine count town.”

The statement did not specify what percentage of these ballots, if any, were originally tabulated using the AccuVote devices.

Last month, Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu signed Senate Bill 43, authorizing an audit of Rockingham County, District 7.

The New Hampshire Union Leader reported Wednesday the audit team will consist of Finnish computer scientist Harri Hursti of Nordic Innovation Labs, Mark Lindeman of election technology policy group Verified Voting and statistics professor Philip Stark of the University of California, Berkeley.

Hursti is a star of the HBO documentary, “Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections” released in the spring of 2020.

Most of the politicians who appear in the film are Democratic, including Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Ron Wyden of Oregon, but GOP Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma is also featured.

Hursti explained in an April 2020 interview with The Western Journal that voting machines do not have to be connected to the internet to be vulnerable to tampering.

One thing all the electronic voting systems have in common is a removable drive or memory device, which engages in two-way communication with the database when results from each voting machine are uploaded.

“The memory cards actually have a programming side,” Hursti said. “Programming can have a lot of logic. So the program can dynamically look [at] what is happening and decide on the spot what is needed to be done in this precinct on this machine” as part of changing the overall result.

A recount in Rockingham County, District 7 did not show the winner of the race was changed — only that four Republican candidates won by larger margins than the voting machines tabulated.

The Union Leader reported approximately 500 people showed up at a meeting of the Windham Board of Selectmen on Monday night to urge the body to remove Lindeman as a member of the audit team.

Selectman Bruce Breton objected to Lindeman’s inclusion, given a letter the election expert signed objecting to the audit taking place in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Representatives from the liberal Carter Center and Brennan Center for Justice also signed the letter.

Breton supported digital scanning technology expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, who is involved with the Maricopa County audit, over Lindeman, according to the Union Leader.

The board ultimately chose to stick with Lindeman. The deadline for the completion of the New Hampshire audit is May 27.

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