Jenny Beth Martin: There's 1 Simple Reason the SCOTUS CMS Ruling Is Wrong
The Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for health care workers in facilities that receive Medicare or Medicaid funding is wrong, for the simple reason that it’s wrong to require somebody to inject something into his or her body that he or she doesn’t want to be there.
It is particularly wrong to allow that violation of personal autonomy to be coerced by an entity of the state, because our state exists — as it says in our Declaration of Independence — for the purpose of securing our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
So the Supreme Court only got it half-right last week when it ruled on the matter of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates — it was right to strike down the OSHA mandate on private employers, but wrong to leave in place the CMS mandate on health care workers at facilities that accept Medicare and/or Medicaid funding.
It would be wrong to force people to accept a vaccine injection they do not want even if it were the case that the vaccine provided 100 percent immunity against transmission of an extremely lethal virus. That is, the efficacy of the vaccine is irrelevant to the calculation; so, too, is the lethality of the virus.
Of course, even pro-vaccine government officials now acknowledge that the vaccines do not completely prevent transmission, and even pro-vaccine government officials acknowledge that the latest variant of the COVID-19 virus, omicron, is not as lethal as earlier forms of the virus.
In fact, an awful lot of people who become infected with the omicron variant indicate it’s not even as bad as a common cold (which we all know by now is simply another form of coronavirus).
Given these facts about both the vaccines’ efficacy and omicron’s weakness, it’s not surprising that many are left wondering what is the point of forcing someone to take a vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission of a virus that doesn’t seem to be that particularly dangerous?
Why in the world has the Biden administration chosen this particular rock on which to break its sledgehammer?
Consequently, it’s not surprising that a significant portion of the American people has resisted the requirement to take the jab. It’s also not surprising that significant — and growing — numbers of the American people are rising up against the vaccine mandates.
This upcoming weekend — on Saturday, Jan. 22, and Sunday, Jan. 23 — many will gather at various points around the nation to participate in demonstrations opposing the vaccine mandates.
On Saturday, there will be three rallies in Florida (Winter Garden, Largo and Jacksonville) and one in California (Santa Monica). On Sunday, demonstrators will rally in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
California Protester Says She’d Rather ‘Put a Bullet in My Head’ Than Take COVID Vaccine https://t.co/LDE8c7AWeM pic.twitter.com/elyoYOWHk1
— Juank (@JCSura) December 4, 2020
Also on Sunday, in Washington, D.C., thousands of demonstrators are expected to gather on the grounds of the Washington Monument, and then march to the Lincoln Memorial, where speakers including Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Richard Urso and dozens of others will speak out in support of health care freedom.
Some American corporations are recognizing that their own employees oppose the mandates, and that the mandates are making it difficult to retain those employees. Amtrak, General Electric, Boeing, Cisco and Starbucks are recent examples of companies with large workforces that have now reversed the decision to force their employees to get vaccinated.
Others will follow.
More than a year ago, President-elect Joe Biden said he would not attempt to impose any vaccine mandate on the nation.
Asked by a reporter on Dec. 4, 2020, if he wanted vaccines to be mandatory, he responded, “No, I don’t think it should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”
He was right then. Like Amtrak, General Electric, Boeing, Cisco and Starbucks, he can reverse his stance. And he should.