
AOC's Own Words Come Back to Haunt Her After She Loses It on Protesters


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the far left Democratic representative of New York’s 14th District, has a long and embarrassing history of vocally lending her support to far left causes and ideas.

Her X feed is stuffed with these hot takes, but rarely does the out of touch congresswoman face the consequences of her rhetoric first hand.

However, as a recent video from Fox News has shown, when she does, she doesn’t react all that well.

As seen in the video, an older gentleman with a mask over his face and holding up his cellphone follows AOC in an indoor mall, accusing her of refusing to call the Israel-Hamas war “a genocide.”

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As AOC tried to flee from the man, the camera pulled back some and a whole fleet of protesters dogging her steps was shown, filming her with their phones and castigating her for not being as virulently anti-Semitic as they are.

Finally, as they followed her to the sidewalk outside the mall, repeating their erroneous pro-Palestinian talking points, one of the protesters ran in front of her, and she snapped at them.

“You’re going to cut it, and you’re going to clip this, so that it’s completely out of context,” she said. “I already said that it was, and y’all are just going to pretend it wasn’t, over and over again, it’s f***ed up.”


She then deserted the protesters, but not before yelling that the protesters are “not helping these people.”

Now, considering how obnoxious and aggressive most pro-Palestinian protestors are, the interaction would not be all that surprising if it was another politician.

Despite finally losing her temper, most of us can’t say we’d react similarly in similar circumstances.

But this is AOC.

This is a woman who has publicly advocated for socialism, let herself get arrested outside the U.S. Supreme Court in “protest” of the Dobbs decision, and has an X feed brimming with the worst of the far-left talking points.

Among those talking points is a tweet from December 2020 unearthed by X users Tim Murtaugh and Paul Szypula, where she declared “the whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable … To folks who complain that protest demands makes others uncomfortable… that’s the point.”

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Murtaugh noted the delicious irony, captioning his retweet of her original post by saying “AOC should embrace these crazed leftists hounding her in a movie theater because ‘the whole point of protesting is to make people uncomfortable.’ Right?”

Szypula concurred, saying that we should “remember @AOC advocated for this.”

As ridiculous and mistaken as those pro-Palestinian protesters are, based on AOC’s own stated beliefs, she has no room to complain about protesters harassing her in a mall.

The clip is yet more more evidence that AOC rarely believes the words coming out of her own mouth.

Indeed, in many ways, she is reaping what she sowed: She encouraged protesters to make people uncomfortable in support of their leftist causes, and the leftists hounding her in public are only following her advice.

Her rhetoric, thanks to her carefully created persona of influencer/politician, was a significant factor in influencing this kind of public harassment disguised as protesting.

Of course, she’s perfectly happy when Brett Kavanaugh is threatened by protesters outside his home or conservative politicians are kicked out of restaurants for the crime of wrong-think.

She’s much less happy to find herself on the receiving end of this method of protesting.

Considering AOC publicly advocated for this obnoxious style of protesting, though, it’s hard to feel all that bad when her words come back to haunt her.

As a wise man once said, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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