
Writer Posts Video of Electric Car Charging Nightmare in CA - Imagine Waiting in This Line


As part of their push for so-called “green energy,” the Biden administration and the rest of the Democratic Party have been pushing electric cars aggressively in recent months.

However, the left has been ignoring the many problems that come with transitioning to electric vehicles too quickly.

On Saturday, Lauren Fix of Car Coach Reports shared a video of more than a dozen electric vehicles in line at what looked like a toll booth. However, as the video panned, it became clear the cars were not waiting to pass through a toll booth at all.

Instead, the vehicles were in line waiting for charging stations.

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According to Tesla’s website, the fastest charging option for Tesla vehicles is a Tesla supercharger. This appeared to be the type of chargers seen in Fix’s video.

These chargers can charge the vehicles up to 200 miles of range in 15 minutes. While that seems reasonably fast, it is much longer than it takes to fill up a car with gas.

Assuming there were about 20 vehicles waiting in line in the above video, the last car in line would have to wait five hours for each car in front of it to be charged. And that is just the fastest option.


There are only 35,000 superchargers currently available globally at this time, Tesla said on its website. Meanwhile, the American Petroleum Institute reported there are over 145,000 gas stations in the United States alone.

The relatively low number of superchargers is a main reason for the long lines electric car owners are forced to endure. If they are on the road away from home, they have no choice but to wait in these lines, no matter how long it takes.

In March, a Texas woman named Candace London Metz filmed a similar video of electric vehicles waiting to be charged, KTAL-TV reported.

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Metz said she spoke to one woman in line who said it usually takes about 30 minutes to charge her vehicle. However, she said the chargers were taking about an hour to charge vehicles because they were overworked.

These are just two examples of a massive problem with electric vehicles in the United States, and it is not the only issue plaguing the EV industry.

In addition to charging woes, electric vehicle fires have proven to be extremely dangerous. An example of this fact happened in June, a Tesla that had been sitting at a wrecking yard in Sacramento, California, for three weeks burst into flames.

Firefighters attempted to put out the fire, but it continued reigniting in the battery compartment. Eventually, firefighters were forced to dig a pit for the car and fill it with water to extinguish the flame.

There is nothing inherently wrong with electric vehicles, and there may come a time when the United States is ready to transition to them full-time. With that said, the infrastructure to support this shift needs to be put in place first.

By pushing a shift to electric vehicles before taking the necessary steps to prepare for it, Biden is just causing more problems for the country.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

UPDATE, July 29, 2022: Online insurance broker researched auto fires by type of car using data from the National Transportation Safety Board, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and and concluded “that despite the focus on EV fires in the news, they are not inherently more dangerous than gas or hybrid vehicles, although electric fires tend to be more difficult than gas fires to extinguish.”

Perhaps more importantly, the independent, nonprofit Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and Highway Loss Data Institute in a study of “electric and conventional versions of nine models from 2011 to 2019” concluded that electric vehicles may be considered significantly safer than similar conventional models because “rates of injury claims related to the drivers and passengers of electric vehicles were more than 40 percent lower than for identical conventional models over 2011-19. This result is similar to an earlier HLDI study of hybrid vehicles, and one likely explanation is that the large batteries used in both types of vehicles make them substantially heavier than their conventional counterparts. Occupants of heavier vehicles are exposed to lower forces in multivehicle crashes.”

The Western Journal is adding this information to this story as important context regarding the safety of electric vehicles in general.

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