
Woke Country Artist Takes Jab at Tucker Carlson, But She's Not the One Getting the Last Laugh


“Woke,” B-list country singer Maren Morris took a dig at Tucker Carlson as she accepted a GLAAD award over the weekend that received a great deal of applause from the crowd at that show.

But Carlson will have the last laugh, given the facts he is more impactful on the culture, wealthy beyond her dreams, and people actually know his name.

If you don’t know who Morris is, you certainly shouldn’t feel left out. I had never heard of her before she dangled her own child in front of the LGBT mafia and postured herself as a civil rights icon in March.

The singer positioned herself against a Tennessee law that bars perverse adults from corrupting kids at drag shows.

“Yes, I introduced my son to some drag queens today,” Morris said at a concert, Entertainment Weekly reported. “So, Tennessee, f***ing arrest me.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Morris hasn’t had a great deal of success on the charts, so that statement was her introduction to many, many people.

She did receive a bit of clout last fall after Carlson called her a “lunatic” on his show when the singer tried to send a mob after country singer Jason Aldean and his wife Brittany.

Brittany Aldean had posted a video in which she said she was grateful to have been allowed to grow up as a woman and not offered a gender transition during her “tomboy” phase — which drew the ire of Morris.

In any event, Morris is now wearing Carlson’s mockery of her as a badge of honor in lieu of music accolades.


She raised a significant sum of money off of him calling her a loon, Deadline reported.

“Maybe I felt a little bad*** taking Tucker Carlson’s calling me a lunatic for standing up to transphobia, turning it into a T-shirt and raising $150,000 for LGBTQ+ charities,” she said at the GLAAD awards on Saturday before she took a shot at Carlson over his ouster at Fox News.

She added, “That made me feel a little cool… But I don’t want to gloat, I would never insult the recently unemployed.”

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Fox News has certainly pleased the lunatics by canceling Carlson.

GLADD of course posted Morris’ comment on Twitter, which led to obvious questions such as, “Who is this person on my screen?”

One person who came across the tweet commented, “I had no idea who Marren Morris was before coming across this tweet linked from a news article, but I’m willing to bet Tucker still makes more money than her with just compounding interest in his bank account alone. Also, people know who Tucker is.”

One of the few upsides of social media is it allows normal people to elevate their voices and opinions.

The above tweet perfectly summarizes Morris and her role in the culture.

In the coming years, the singer will be remanded back to “woke” country music obscurity — and that’s if she’s lucky. She could end up broke.

But Morris will most likely look back at 2023 as the climax of her career — which isn’t saying a great deal.

Carlson, meanwhile, has driven news cycles for years and will continue to do so if he chooses.

His tweets alone are viewed by millions upon millions of people.

He is as in demand as ever and is currently being paid tens of millions of dollars to do absolutely nothing after leaving a show that endeared him to millions.

The former Fox News host could choose to retire and this very moment and if he did, he will have ended a career that towers over those of his peers and detractors alike.

Morris could retire from making really bad music and she would be forgotten by Friday.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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