
Whopping Majority of Voters Say Biden Should Resign if Gas Prices Don't Stop Rising


The establishment media works hard to suppress bad news about the Biden administration.

But there is one terrible consequence of Biden’s installation in the White House which the public experiences every day — no news report needed.

Biden’s policies have caused gas prices to skyrocket and the people blame him for the increases. A recent poll found almost 60 percent of likely voters want Biden to resign if prices continue to increase.

The poll shows voters were not fooled into believing high gas prices are Russia’s fault.

The March 2022 Trafalgar Group poll asked, “If you have to pay $8/gallon for gas, do you believe President Biden should step down for mishandling U.S. energy production?”

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81.8 percent of Republicans and 67.1 percent of independents answered yes. Even 29.8 percent of Democrats agreed. It averaged out to 58.6 percent of voters want Biden to resign over fuel costs.

The margin of error was 2.99 percent. Polling analytics site FiveThirtyEight rated the Trafalgar Group as A- for its historical accuracy and methodology.

The sharp spike in energy costs should not have surprised anyone. In 2020 Donald Trump explained what would happen under Biden. He also nailed the impractical green energy solutions the elites would propose:

Can’t afford the price at the pump? Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg suggested buying a more expensive, less efficient electric car, which creates a whole new set of problems.

It’s not a practical solution for most Americans.

It is clear the assault on the energy sector is not just unintended consequences of well-meaning directives, or the result of incompetence.

The Republican Study Committee recently released a report documenting 81 ways Biden policies increased energy costs, punishing citizens just trying to conduct their day-to-day business.

Higher gas prices mean higher prices on anything which requires transportation, which is practically everything.

Biden’s handlers will not let him resign, no matter how much damage he causes. By driving fuel costs higher, Biden is fulfilling the agenda needed to make the oppressive Green New Deal a reality.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Even as Americans are crushed under Biden’s energy mismanagement, The Hill reported State Department energy envoy Amos Hochstein added insult to injury by saying, “This conflict [in Ukraine] has made it clear to us that we should double down and triple down on the transition, and to make it broader, bigger and faster.”

There will be no relief coming as long as this crew runs the federal government.

Without his cooperation with resignation, there are limited ways to get rid of the White House occupant.


The 25th Amendment could remove Biden from office if he was found incapable of discharging the duties of the presidency. He could be impeached for high crimes or misdemeanors.

Although there is plenty of evidence for either one of those actions, neither outcome is likely with the current swamp entrenched in Washington, D.C.

The best hope is that the suffering Biden caused will make people disregard their partisan habits and vote for the good of the country in 2022.

Biden made everyone feel the pain, and we can give our response at the ballot box. A poll about gas prices is just the tip of the iceberg of the backlash to the Democrats’ destructive actions.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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