
What're They Hiding? Searching CNN for 'Bobulinski,' The Biden Whistleblower, Turns Up Zero Results


A search of the name of former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski unearths zero results on the CNN website as the establishment media continues to suppress the Biden family corruption scandal.

That scandal first broke in the early morning hours of Oct. 14 when the New York Post first reported on a trove of files recovered from a hard drive once belonging to Hunter Biden.

In a scandal of its own right, the information was immediately suppressed by Big Tech companies Facebook and Twitter.

On Twitter, the story’s URL couldn’t even be shared via private message for a period of time. As of Wednesday, the New York Post Twitter account remained locked.

The files reported by the Post implicated Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in his son’s foreign business dealings, and have since been corroborated and expounded upon by multiple additional reports from numerous credible news agencies.

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Additionally, on Tuesday evening, Bobulinski, the man who claims with evidence that he was an integral part of the Biden family’s reported corrupt business practices, joined Fox News host Tucker Carlson for a long interview in which he presented a credible accounting of the story.

As Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel pointed out in a Twitter post on Wednesday, the establishment media completely ignored the story on morning broadcasts.

The find isn’t surprising, as the story is potentially damaging to Biden’s campaign with less than a week until the Nov. 3 election.

But what is truly an assault on journalism and an insult to voters, is that Bobulinski’s story is also being surpressed online by the establishment media.

ABC News, CBS News, NBC News and MSNBC News have all failed to cover the shocking interview between Bobulinski and Carlson, in which the former naval officer recounted, with great detail, the Biden family’s reported corruption as well as his alleged meeting with Biden at a hotel in California in 2017.

The above news agencies made not one mention of the interview on television broadcasts or online.

Using a search of the word “Bobulinski” on each network’s website, the last time any of the companies published a story with Bobulinski’s name was in reference to last week’s final presidential debate, in which the man was a guest of President Donald Trump.

But in case you were wondering where CNN stands on the bombshell corruption story, the network has gone a step further than its liberal news peers, and even Silicon Valley.

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A search of CNN’s website on Wednesday turned up absolutely no results for the word “Bobulinski.”

Those searching for reporting about the former Biden family pivot man on Chinese business are met with a message that reads, “Your search for Bobulinski did not match any documents.”

You wouldn’t expect the establishment media to cover the reported Biden scandal, or Bobulinski’s account of his time with the family, with any enthusiasm.

But the fact that the story is being completely ignored by almost the entire national media is a forever stain on journalistic integrity.

Despite attempts to squash the story, its legs are growing.

The story is credible, backed up by corroborating evidence from multiple reports and sources and even a man and military veteran speaking on the record with apparent intricate knowledge of a presidential candidate’s reported corruption.

Still, the mainstream media outlets have turned a blind eye to the story, and to Bobulinski, despite years of false reporting on smears of Trump.

The entire establishment media apparatus is guilty of attempting to hide the scandal from voters, but the fact that CNN has gone to such lengths to cover it up by not reporting on a single angle with regard to Bobulinski shows its contempt for voters — and the American democratic process.

CNN and the rest of the country’s leftist media, as Twitter did two weeks ago, have crossed an ethical line of no return.


Journalists have an obligation to report facts to their audiences, and it is a fact that the Democrats’ candidate for president is being credibly implicated in one of the most shocking corruption scandals in modern political history.

But the liberal media outlets, especially CNN, have collectively decided to ignore the scandal in an act of either censorship, voter suppression, or both.

As a result, Biden gets to cower in his Delaware estate, knowing he has the majority of the country’s most influential reporters running interference on his behalf.

The bias is both unprecedented and beyond disgraceful.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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