
Watch: MSNBC Journalist Gets Shut Down by Focus Group After Trying to Push Jan. 6 Nonsense


With the midterm elections about two weeks away, Democrats and their allies in the establishment media seem desperate to mitigate the losses of what is widely predicted to be a bloodbath on Nov. 8.

That was evidenced Monday in an MSNBC focus group made up of Pittsburgh-area supporters of former President Donald Trump, who seemed to throw MSNBC’s Elise Jordan for a loop as they pushed back on nearly everything about the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion that she threw at them.

The focus group was made up of 10 participants, and every time Jordan brought up the left’s preferred narrative of what happened on Jan. 6, the focus group fired back with facts.

The MSNBC host started out by saying Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano was at the “insurrection” and asking whether that should disqualify him from running for office.

“Mastriano was at the insurrection and he was photographed breaching one of the restricted areas. Is that OK?” Jordan asked.

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The group’s response was perfect.

One participant responded, “Which area? Because I saw a video where Capitol officers were taking away barriers and unlocking doors.”

Other focus group members agreed with his statement and pointed out other inconsistencies not seen in establishment media reports about the events that day.

The group unanimously agreed that given Mastriano’s actions on Jan. 6 were not violent, he should still be able to run for office with no problems.


One woman noted that the only person to be killed during the Capitol incursion was Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed female protester and U.S. military veteran who was shot to death by a Capitol Police officer.

“A police officer did die,” Jordan responded — which is only accurate in the sense that a Capitol Police officer died not from the protests but of natural causes from a medical event, The Washington Post reported. And the participants were quick to point that out.

The group became a bit more lively when Jordan, who was desperately trying to get them to agree that what they saw was nothing less than a violent insurrection, countered by contrasting what happened on Jan. 6 at the Capitol with rioting by left-wing groups such as by antifa and Black Lives Matter.

“So what do you make, though, overall of Jan. 6. I mean, it was, watching that footage, it was pretty disturbing. I mean, there were people throwing excrement at the walls, and it was, you know, it was the Capitol,” Jordan said.

“It was a lot like antifa’s actions,” one of the women in the group fired back. A man added, “Except on a much smaller scale, it looked the same as the Black Lives Matter riots.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Other group members supported the counterpoint, adding that many American cities burned in the violent demonstrations over the summer of 2020. Numerous innocent people were killed, and hundreds of police officers were injured.

“Anybody who harmed anybody, anybody who caused property destruction, that needs to be dealt with,” one of the participants said.

“But if you’re there making your voice heard at the People’s House, no less, that’s, again, it’s a fundamental, constitutional right of an American citizen, and people should not be being held political prisoner because of it.”

The focus group members were widely praised on social media for standing up to factually counter the establishment media’s dishonest narrative of the events of that day.

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway was one of many on social media who commended the participants for taking a stand.

“This is legitimately impressive how these well-informed American voters not only never fell for the propaganda press narrative but are in real time correcting the disinformation being pushed by one of the corporate media operatives,” Hemingway tweeted.

MSNBC, CNN and the Democrats love to paint Trump supporters as low-information, gun- and Bible-toting rural voters who can’t even locate a copy machine. This focus group segment proved otherwise, in a significant way.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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