
Watch: Joy Reid Melts Down After Trump Dominates Super Tuesday, Says GOP Wants to 'Kick Black People Out of Colleges'


While MSNBC host Joy Reid is quickly becoming notorious for her unhinged left-wing rants, her reaction to Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday wins might mark a new low, even for her.

As seen in this clip of the MSNBC Super Tuesday panel shared by Eric Abbenante on the social media platform X, Reid, seeing Trump’s domination with increasing dismay, unleashed all manner of unhinged left-wing conspiracy theories in response.

On a panel with left-wing hacks like former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and fellow MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, Reid confidently declared that the normies voting for Trump are “voting on race, they’re voting on this idea of an ‘invasion’ of brown people over the border …”

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If her rant already seems bad, don’t worry — it got worse.

She went on to claim Trump voters resent “that they can’t get whatever job they want — a black person got it — therefore, drive all the blacks out of the colleges, get rid of DEI [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion].

“That is what they’re voting on,” she insisted. “They are just voting specifically on racial animus at this stage. It isn’t about economics.”


Later in the night, in a clip shared by The Post Millennial, Reid, clearly not done dunking on Trump and Trump voters, launched another tirade against the former president.

She claimed that Trump only “had one crisis” during his tenure as president, and “it was called the pandemic, and you know what [he] did? [He] bolloxed it completely,” before making the absurd argument that Trump looks so much better than President Joe Biden for his age because Trump “was playing golf the whole time.”

Again, the fact that no one called her out on her insane nonsense — not even to mention that Biden has gone on vacation more times than any other president — is mind-boggling.

As Abbenante commented on the video, this was “Maybe the most [out of] touch conversation I’ve ever witnessed.”

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For one thing, no conservative ever said they wanted to kick all black people out of college.

When the Supreme Court ruled against affirmative action in college admissions, it was because it was a discriminatory policy, though it was aimed against whites and Asians, rather than blacks.

It wasn’t a vendetta to kick black students out of colleges. It was a move to make college admissions more fair.

The Supreme Court found that, in practice, affirmative action was used to discriminate against Asian and white applicants, and they therefore ruled Harvard’s policy unconstitutional.

For another thing, most people worried about illegal immigrants are worried about more than just their jobs.

Especially in the aftermath of the Laken Riley murder, people are worried about the influx of crime and the amount of undocumented criminals and gang members crossing the border.

We have no idea how many criminals are roaming free in the U.S. right now. Stories crop up with alarming frequency telling of a child getting murdered, or a woman getting raped by someone who turns out to be an illegal immigrant with a rap sheet a mile long.

Security at our border isn’t about race, it’s about safety.

Securing the border not only helps stop the crimes against American citizens, it stems the flow of drug and child trafficking that’s surging in America right now.

On top of that, the surge of millions of people across our borders has overwhelmed the resources of countless cities and towns across the country — to the point where even a hard-left mayor like Eric Adams has complained, “This issue will destroy New York City.” So yes, contrary to what Reid spewed in her rant, it is, indeed, about economics.

Reid’s Trump Derangement Syndrome not only prevents her from seeing the events of the past few years objectively, but causes her to inadvertently expose her disgust for the average American voter.

It’s quite telling what she lets slip out of her mouth when faced with a potential Trump victory.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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