
Watch: House Democrats Have Screaming Meltdown on the Floor Over Ilhan Omar Resolution


The Democratic screeches were loud enough to briefly drown out the House chairwoman.

They were almost loud enough to be heard in Minneapolis.

But they weren’t anywhere near enough to keep Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar from being kicked off the House Foreign Affairs Committee, a powerful perch the radical leftist never deserved and ultimately disgraced.

In a resolution approved by a voice vote, then affirmed by a floor vote, the House managed to right one of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s wrongs and remove a representative with a history of blatant anti-Semitism from a committee that helps steer U.S. policy toward Israel and its sea of Arab enemy states.

The floor vote was 218-211, mainly on party lines, Fox News reported. (Republican David Joyce of Ohio voted “present,” according to ABC News.)

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But it was the voice vote, which featured a veritable screaming meltdown by House Democrats, that Americans should remember.

Check it out here:

It was reminiscent of the woman screaming at President Donald Trump’s inauguration back in 2017, a moment tailor-made for memes on the internet.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth were almost palpable as Democrats tried to stave off the inevitable, eminently logical decision to remove Omar from a seat she never should have held in the first place.

Omar claimed the move was based on anti-Islamic animus. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said it was “about targeting women of color in the United States of America.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan yelped that it was about the GOP “weaponizing hate against a black, beautiful Muslim woman.”

Footage of the debate is below. AOC comes on at the beginning of the video. Tlaib’s remarks start at about the 12:40 mark.

But those are just convenient leftist boogeymen to cover up the real issue — Omar’s record of anti-Semitism and what it could mean for one of the United States’ most reliable allies.

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That record isn’t really in doubt.

Back in 2012, long before she entered Congress, Omar commented on Twitter that “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” She defended the tweet after her election in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

In February 2019, in another Twitter post, she implied that Jewish money was buying the support of American lawmakers. “It’s all about the Benjamins,” she wrote, as even CBS News reported.

When she was criticized for it by then-Rep. Nita Lowey, a fellow Democrat and Jewish congresswoman from New York, Omar responded by implying that Jewish lawmakers owe allegiance to Israel.

Those are just a couple well-known examples; there are plenty of others. In fact, in 2019, the controversy over Omar’s anti-Semitism reached the point where the House actually voted on a resolution to denounce “hate” — a resolution that was originally aimed specifically at anti-Semitism but had to be watered down to get enough Democratic votes to pass.

And it isn’t just anti-Semitism.

Omar exhibits a tolerance toward the country’s terrorist enemies that comes suspiciously close to being anti-American.

It’s tough to forget, for instance, her callous dismissal of the 9/11 attacks, which killed almost 3,000 Americans and left smoking ruins in New York City and Washington, as the time “some people did something.”

Such a lawmaker has a place in Congress if the voters in her district elect her. That’s one of the beauties of the United States — any individual or group has the right to be pretty much as inane as they choose, as long as no laws are broken. (New York’s Republican Rep. George Santos is an example of that.)


But Omar has no place sitting on a committee where decisions are made about how the country deals with its allies — and with its enemies. (And given a choice between Israel and the Arab world, only a fool would have difficulty deciding which one was which.)

The fact that Democrats opposed Thursday’s move, and opposed it with a meltdown on the floor of the House of Representatives, speaks volumes about how far the party has drifted from the mainstream of the American people it pretends to represent.

Removing Omar from the powerful Foreign Affairs Committee is one of the first steps the country can take toward getting back on track during President Joe Biden’s administration. Just as removing the loathsome liar Adam Schiff and the libidinous Eric Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee were steps toward restoring sanity in Congress.

In two more years, hopefully, it will be taking the bigger step of ending Biden’s presidency completely — and returning to a Congress that really represents the American people.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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