
Watch: Father Demands BLM Answer Some Basic Questions in Viral Video - It Had No Answers


Over the course of the past year, the Black Lives Matter movement and organization have become incredibly relevant.

While the movement is largely decentralized, the wide swatch of independent groups, protesters and activists seem to take cues from and follow the agenda of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.

With the movement and organization’s increased prominence has also come many questions regarding BLM’s beliefs, motives and strategy.

Concerned by what he’s seen from the movement, Dan Collins, a father of 13 children — five of whom are black — was recently featured in a viral video asking BLM many such questions.

According to him, they were either unable — or unwilling — to respond.

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The video was produced by PragerU, an organization known for creating educational videos that promote conservative, Judeo-Christian values.

Collins began questioning the movement’s motives in the summer of 2020, following a BLM protest in his hometown of La Mesa, California.

According to Collins, the protest eventually devolved into a violent spree of rioting, looting and arson.


Following the violence, Collins took one of his black sons downtown to help with the clean-up effort.

What he then saw, Collins explained, was nothing short of  “unsettling.”

“As we walked past the charred remains of Chase Bank, I noticed the letters ‘BLM’ grafitied onto a wall amid the rubble. It was unsettling, as if Black Lives Matter was claiming credit for the bank’s destruction,” Collins said in the video.

He went on to say that while he would “support any peaceful movement that helps to secure racial justice and equality,” he also recognizes “the need for law and order.”

“Is it possible for my family to support the Black Lives Matter movement while also supporting the police?” Collins asked.

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The Black Lives Matter Global Network has a page on their website detailing its support for the defund the police movement.

Collins himself looked to the website for answers, but only found more questions.

“You state that your mission is ‘to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on black communities by the state and vigilantes,’ but you don’t explain how you’re going to do that,” Collins said.

“What is your definition of ‘white supremacy’? Of ‘local power’? By ‘state’ I assume you mean police. Who are the vigilantes you’re referring to? And how do you propose to intervene in violence inflicted on black communities?”

In Collins’ opinion, the Black Lives Matter Global Network has made it unclear whether it intends to achieve such goals through “peaceful or violent methods.”

As a father, Collins also took issue with the fact that BLM declared its intention to “disrupt the western prescribed nuclear family structure,” although that statement was eventually scrubbed from the website back in September.

“That language has been quietly removed. Does that mean that you no longer hold that view, or was it just the expedient thing to do?” Collins asked.

In order to find answers to these many questions, Collins contacted both his local BLM chapter and the BLM Global Network.

He said both organizations failed to respond.

Collins then decided to seek out those answers for himself.

While researching the group, Collins came across an interview during which a Black Lives Matter founder, Patrisse Cullors, declared she was a “trained Marxist” and that BLM leaders “are super-versed on ideological theories.”

“Is Black Lives Matter a Marxist-inspired organization? Marx advocated for the forcible overthrow of our civilization. Is that what BLM wants also?” Collins asked in the video.

Going on from there, Collins asked a series of additional questions — including whether BLM supports the Constitution, whether the organization honors the U.S. flag, if BLM believes in Martin Luther King Jr.’s colorblind ideal and whether it supports or condemns the destruction of personal and private property of others.

Collins then moved to a question that many critics of BLM have been asking for quite some time — “what are you doing with that money?”

According to The Economist in December, donations to Black Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter-related groups since May have amounted to as much as $10.6 billion.

Due to BLM’s apparent political leanings, many Americans have concerns about where this money is going. Despite this, “they have not released particularly detailed information about where donations are going,” WLNE-TV reported.

The Western Journal reached out to the Black Lives Matter Global Network regarding Collins’ questions, asking if they could provide answers to any of them.

The organization failed to respond in time for publication.

The Western Journal also reached out to other prominent BLM-related organizations — Black Lives Matter U.K., Black Lives Matter Los Angeles and Black Lives Matter Chicago.

Again, no responses were received in time for publication.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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