
Watch: Dem Sen. Chuck Schumer Tries to Scare Americans Into Supporting Controversial Border Bill


As the prospects for success of the Senate’s border bill seem to be fading fast, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is now reduced to making threats against Americans in a desperate bid to force the bill to pass.

Appearing on MSNBC on Monday, the New York Democrat had a laundry list of warnings about how the world will erupt in flames if he doesn’t get his open borders policies passed. And each proclamation was more shrill than the last as he worked to push the bill that co-sponsor, Oklahoma GOP Sen. James Lankford, is being slammed for due to the bill’s mass amnesty scheme.

To kick off the segment with Schumer, the hopelessly left-wing “Morning Joe” host Mika Bzezinski expressed her shock that the bill — which she absurdly termed “as bi-partisan as it gets” — was having so much opposition from Republicans. Apparently, she doesn’t see the contradiction in her proclaiming something as “bi-partisan” that is facing stiff opposition from the Republican side. It sure doesn’t seem all that “bi-partisan” now does it, Mika?

Schumer started his comments talking about how gosh darn hard he was working to let millions of illegals stream across the border unchecked. Why, he even had to take a phone call at midnight, he said in faux exasperation.

But he soon got to his written out talking points that he disgorged on MSNBNC.

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“We’re at a turning point in America,” Schumer said gravely as he delved into his canned speech. “This bill is crucial, and history will look back on it and say, ‘Did America fail itself?'”

Showing that the border in this border bill is an afterthought, Schumer’s first warning was about Ukraine. The “border” bill seeks another $60 billion of our tax dollars to go into the bottomless pit of the war between Russia and Ukraine.


“If we don’t aid Ukraine, Putin will walk all over Ukraine. We will lose the war, and we could be fighting in Eastern Europe [as] a NATO ally in a few years. Americans won’t like that,” Schumer exclaimed.

Next, Schumer warned about Israel’s actions against the terrorists in Gaza.

“If we don’t help Israel defend itself against Hamas, that perpetual war will go on, and on, and on,” he said, adding, “If we don’t help humanitarian aid to the starving Palestinians in Gaza, hundreds of thousands could starve.”

So, one has to wonder, if Schumer and the Democrats are so worried about helping Israel to wipe out Hamas, why is Joe Biden threatening to veto a stand-alone bill that sends aid to Israel?

Finally, Schumer got to the border issue.

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“And the border — everyone has said it’s chaos — you just saw Speaker Johnson, he said it’s chaos, we have to do something legislative a few months ago.”

We don’t actually need new legislation to fix the border problem, though. What we need is a president who obeys the law and enforces the rules we already have. Biden could shut down the border, ramp up deportations, end all the financial welfare he’s handing out to illegals, and put an end to their ability to get jobs with the powers he already has at his disposal. But he is not doing any of that.

Worse, Schumer’s bill allows millions more illegals to stream across the border, which will make matters even worse. This bill doesn’t end any border chaos. All it does if pump up the volume of the siren call to all nations telling them that America’s border is wide open and all comers can get everything for free once they get here.

Naturally, Schumer then went on to blame his favorite boogeyman — Donald Trump — who opposes this monstrosity.

“But what has happened in answer to your question — so this is crucial for America, it’s a turning point. History is going to look over our shoulders and say, ‘Did we rise to the occasion?’ To his credit, Mitch McConnell did. But too many Republicans, including Speaker Johnson, are just scared to death of Donald Trump,” the Senate Democrat railed.

“Donald Trump has said he wants chaos. Donald Trump has said, ‘Well, wait ’til I become president.’ That’ll take at least a year, Ukraine could be gone, the border will get much worse, war in the Middle East will get worse, maybe bringing us into it. He’s doing it all for political reasons,” he blared.

This, of course, is a lie. Donald Trump has never said, “I want chaos on the border.” Indeed, he has railed against the chaos going on at the border and rightly pointed out time and again that this chaos did not exist when he was president because he used the tools available to him to quell the chaos.

Schumer finished, again claiming “history” is looking down on us, saying, “Will the senators drown out the political noise from Trump and his minions and do the right thing for America? It’s a crucial question, history is looking down on every one of us right now.”

Speaker Johnson and many Republicans in the House of Representatives have said this bill is dead on arrival. And it well should be. Not only is the bill unnecessary — Biden already has all the power he needs to fix the border, but has elected not to — but the bill actually makes the border problems worse.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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