
Watch: Biden Made Mockery of Veterans Day Events, Catches Criticism for What He Did with the Old Guard


On Veterans Day, President Joe Biden proved to everyone he can remember to work his agenda items into everything, including a day that should be dedicated to those who have served.

If only he could remember where to stand in order to properly honor them.

In yet another bad-viral video showing the real-time deterioration of the putative leader of the free world, Biden had to be guided through the steps of the ceremonial wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.

During the event Saturday, the president could be seen receiving instructions from the honor guard as he shuffled back and forth between the wreath and other dignitaries in attendance.

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In the exchange, a soldier appears to say something, catching Biden’s attention like a shiny object. It’s unclear what went wrong here, but something clearly did go wrong, as other social media users weren’t loath to point out:


That last remark is in response to another gaffe from earlier this year in which the president used that as an exit line during a speech.

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Not only would this be weird behavior in Merrie England while Queen Elizabeth II was the monarch, it came in the very American state of Connecticut and after the queen had departed this vale of tears, as USA Today pointed out.

Well, OK. So he didn’t nail the wreath-laying thing. But he almost — almost! — nailed his agenda box-checking by proudly announcing that “no veteran is denied the honor they earn because there is discharged for being LBTQ-plus.”

What Biden really meant to say is that those who received an other-than-honorable discharge for homosexual behavior or outing themselves as LGBT while the military was under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” are being sought out to have those discharges changed — because apparently, breaking the established rules of an all-volunteer force is perfectly fine if the political party in power later decides those rules were rubbish, mostly to please its socially liberal base.

So the guy can remember to read his talking points off of a teleprompter almost right. Honoring those who served no matter what their political beliefs are, not so much.

Why is this worrying? One commenter summed it up perfectly:

Remember, we’re currently backing Ukraine in a conflict with Russia that could be seen, in a certain light — particularly by the Kremlin — as a proxy war between NATO and Moscow. The Israel-Hamas war has decimated peace efforts in the Middle East and threatens to metastasize across the region. And in Beijing, the high officials of the Chinese Communist Party watch with wolfish grins on their faces and their eyes turned toward Taiwan.

As the world teeters on the brink of catastrophe, the guy who’s supposed to be the glue that holds it all together can’t figure out where to stand. Not only is this an insult to veterans, it should be an insult to voters that the Democratic Party believes this man can stay in the highest office in the land until 2029.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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