
Video Shows Biden Fall 3 Times in a Row Trying to Walk Up Stairs to Air Force One


President Joe Biden slipped and fell three times while climbing the stairs to board Air Force One on Friday in an alarming and embarrassing public display.

The president, 78, was leaving Joint Base Andrews en route to Atlanta, Georgia, where eight people, including six Asian women, were shot and killed there this week by a man who reportedly had a “sex addiction.”

Biden, who like so many other Democrats has without evidence made the killing spree about race, made the moment memorable for all the wrong reasons.

He tripped and fell forward but quickly recovered. Moments later, he tripped again — and again regained his balance.

Then, the situation got worrisome. Biden fell a third time, and that time he had much more difficulty getting back up. It appeared he’d lost his bearings and the ability to plant his feet for a number of moments.

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He finally got up and made it to the top of the stairs, where he turned around as if to signify a victory against gravity and clumsiness.

But this was no victory. This was alarming. Biden’s three falls epitomized the week of a man who is seemingly lost at all times and dogged by growing speculation that he’s suffering from a cognitive decline.

The falls came within days and even hours of Biden or officials in his administration being publicly insulted by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese diplomats and the regime that runs North Korea.

Biden is already not taken seriously by the country’s adversaries, and on Friday he showed them, and all of us, that he has trouble navigating steps.

Recall how the establishment media endlessly speculated last year that something might have been wrong with then-President Donald Trump because reporters didn’t like how he walked down what was a reportedly slippery ramp at West Point.

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The people over at CNN pretended our country was vulnerable with nobody at the helm.

Those same people will be silent on Biden’s multiple struggles to climb a staircase on Friday. Don’t expect the network’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta to speculate about Biden’s motor functions this evening. These people will act as if this is normal and humanizing, if they talk about it at all. It’s not normal behavior — at least not for the president of the United States.

Of course, Biden isn’t the only president to eat dirt while navigating steps. Former President Gerald Ford took a spill down the Air Force One staircase in 1975 while visiting Austria.

But that fall was likely caused by an unsafe pace and a refusal to use the three points of contact for stability and safety while navigating steep stairs. Ford walked with moxie and a bit of cockiness. Biden, who was using the three-point system on Friday, walks like lost man wandering around seeking guidance. When not falling down publicly, he already comes off an empty vessel with an ink pen.

The country’s foes around the world will see video of Biden’s trouble navigating those steps by the end of the day, and that’s if they haven’t already seen it. It will give them all more to salivate over as they get back to business as usual — which is robbing the American people blind in the absence of adequate leadership.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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