
Video: Protesters Spark Chaos at Kyle Rittenhouse Event, Attempt to Trap Organizers


The Black Lives Matter organization has been using racial division for personal gain for over 10 years now, and it’s still at it.

Tax filings of the “nonprofit” from 2020 to 2022 revealed that only around a third of the $90 million in donations received following the 2020 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody went to other charitable organizations, according to the New York Post.

Among the expenditures raising scrutiny were $1.6 million paid to the father of co-founder Patrisse Cullors for security services and $2.1 million to a consulting firm run by BLM board member Shalomyah Bowers. Cullors’ brother Paul’s companies were paid over $1.5 million total between 2020 and 2021.

But while the founders rake in money hand over fist, the cause continues to spread its cancer of racial division based on lies and misinformation, resulting in incidences like the one at the University of Memphis on Wednesday.

Around 200 protesters gathered outside the UC Theatre at the University of Memphis to voice their opposition to an appearance by Kyle Rittenhouse.

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You may remember Rittenhouse as the then-17-year-old young man who was acquitted of murder after fatally shooting two people and injuring a third person in self-defense after being attacked from behind during the Kenosha, Wisconsin, riots in August 2020, according to Fox News.

The protesters on Wednesday held signs with messages such as “Put Rittenhouse behind bars not a podium,” “Murderers don’t belong here,” and “No one should be open to: Racism, Christo-Fascism, Murderous Little S***s,” according to the Memphis Commercial Appeal.

Many chanted slogans such as “No justice, no peace” as they congregated near the entrance to the theater, which was blocked off by police vehicles and fencing.

The event hosted by the campus conservative group Turning Point USA was titled “The Lies of Black Lives Matter and the Second Amendment.”


While the university said it had to allow the event under free speech laws, it encouraged protesters to remain peaceful and respectful. Campus police said they had a “comprehensive plan” for security, the Commercial Appeal reported.

A WHBQ-TV reporter who was on the scene said that according to witness reports, Rittenhouse had the venue booked from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. but his security team “abruptly removed him from the venue” just before 8 p.m.

Frontlines, a journalistic branch of Turning Point USA, posted Wednesday on X, “BLM protesters at the University of Memphis surged towards the entrance to the Kyle Rittenhouse event chanting ‘Kyle is a killer!'”

At 9:15 p.m., journalist Julio Rosas posted a video of students chasing down Turning Point USA organizers.

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“Chaos breaks out at the University of Memphis after BLM protesters chased down @TPUSA people who were leaving the Kyle Rittenhouse event,” he wrote. “Police had to prevent the hostile crowd from physically attacking them.”

A few minutes later, Rosas posted another video of people attempting to trap the Turning Point USA van by blocking it in the parking garage.

“The angry BLM crowd then tried to prevent @TPUSA from leaving the parking garage at the University of Memphis. Campus and state police had to push the crowd back to allow the cars to leave,” he said. “Some protesters spat on the vehicles.”

Rittenhouse posted an update after he returned from the Memphis event, remarking about some of the inaccurate media reporting about the event. He said he was not abruptly removed from the event by his security but simply had a hard cut-off time.

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky wrote on X, “At age 17, Kyle Rittenhouse had a greater sense of civic duty than most people exhibit in a lifetime. While trying to help during riots, he was attacked by convicts and exercised his right to self-defense, killing a child molester & a domestic abuser convicted of strangulation.”

The young people at the BLM protests are no different from thousands of others marching in support of Hamas or some other ridiculous cause. They are misled by a mob mentality fueled by unscrupulous leaders using their youthful zeal to line their own pockets.

Add to that a complicit liberal media that spins the narrative to escalate rather than de-escalate racial animous.

It’s what led to the riots in Kenosha in the first place.

And will probably lead to many more such tragic nights.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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