
US Destroyer Returns to Port After Harrowing Run-In with Chinese Warship - Look at the Flag It's Flying


The men and women of America’s military still have the guts and the nerve to fight — even if the motives of those who are leading them are questionable.

That was evident late last month when the destroyer the USS Chung-Hoon made its way back to Pearl Harbor following a deployment in which it encountered an aggressive Chinese ship in the Taiwan Strait in early June.

Task & Purpose reported the ship came to port with its battle flag flying high on June 21, signaling the ship’s crew was prepared for anything after leaving hostile territory.

Politico, citing a statement from U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, reported the destroyer was conducting a “routine patrol” when its Chinese counterpart crossed its bow at only 150 yards.

Video released by the military showed just how unsafe the antagonistic move was:

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China, who many fear will inevitably become the country’s next battlefield foe, was testing the resolve of those aboard the Chung-Hoon.

Leaders of that country have every reason to do so, given the state of our military’s leadership.


Since President Joe Biden and company came into office in January 2021, the country’s armed forces have arguably become a “woke” social experiment.

Readiness does not always appear to be the mission as divisive LGBT policies, diversity initiatives and vaccine mandates have come to define for many people the most powerful force in world history.

There are valid concerns that the branches of our military are compromised by people with motives that are not to win the next war.

Those are people we all know: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and of course the military’s commander-in-chief in President Joe Biden.

Their political shenanigans serve no purpose to what is supposed to be a unified fighting force.

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Arguably, those shenanigans risk dividing fighting units into segregated groups.

There should be no colors but red, white and blue when or if God forbid, men and women who are representing those colors come under fire.

Thankfully, what could have been an international incident — if not the spark to ignite a global war — was averted after sailors aboard the Chung-Hoon left the region with no shots fired.

But those brave people, each who signed up voluntarily to defend America’s interests at home and abroad, are representative of what is still great about our military.

They did not dock in Hawaii after separating into their own segregated circles on the ship’s deck or in their personal quarters.

They presumably did not hide in their racks throughout the threat of potential danger and read literature about equity and inclusion.

They proudly flew the American flag and hoisted the ship’s battle flag in a show they remained unified throughout their deployment.

The country is blessed to have these stewards for selflessness and duty.

But more than anything, we are blessed that divisive policies handed down from desks in Washington did not compromise the spirit of those aboard the USS Chung-Hoon.

America’s men and women in uniform are still ready to fight and win — even if those commanding them might have their minds elsewhere.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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