
Unexpected Departure of Top Biden Official Announced, She Worked Key Roles for Obama and Clinton


Who could have ever thought that Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon would, jointly and indirectly, help out President Joe Biden on Monday?

Biden, already facing historic unpopularity and questions over his advanced age, always faced an uphill battle when it came to his looming announcement about his re-election campaign.

That announcement was likely to become all the more awkward with him having to answer for the abrupt departure of one of his top officials.

Then the establishment media landscape was turned upside down Monday by the shocking departures of Fox News’ Carlson and CNN’s Lemon from their respective networks.

Now, the unexpected departure from the White House of Susan Rice, Biden’s domestic policy adviser and former national security advisor in President Barack Obama’s administration, is merely going to be just the third most shocking news of Monday.

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Rice also held multiple prominent roles while serving the Clinton administration, including on the National Security Council.

She’s been as inextricably linked with prominent Democrats as any political figure in recent political memory, making her departure all the more stunning.

In an early Monday statement, Biden revealed that Rice would be stepping down from her current post.

“[A]fter more than two years of her steady leadership of the Domestic Policy Council – it’s clear: there is no one more capable, and more determined to get important things done for the American people than Susan Rice,” the statement said.


Biden’s statement then proceeded to rattle off a list of Rice’s accomplishments, including the highly polarizing “Affordable Care Act.”

“Thanks to her tireless efforts, we expanded and strengthened the Affordable Care Act, released a comprehensive national mental health strategy, and finally enabled Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for seniors and cap the cost of insulin at $35,” the statement added.

The statement also lauded Rice for imbuing the federal government with “equity.”

“We have embedded equity into the work of the entire federal government,” the statement said.

Biden’s statement eventually concluded with more general platitudes for Rice, alluding to her role in the last Democrat presidential administration.

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“As the only person to serve as both National Security Advisor and Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan’s record of public service makes history.

“But what sets her apart as a leader and colleague is the seriousness with which she takes her role and the urgency and tenacity she brings, her bias towards action and results, and the integrity, humility and humor with which she does this work.

“I thank Susan for her service, her counsel and her friendship. I will miss her.”

According to The Associated Press, Rice’s last day in the Biden administration will be May 26.

Curiously, the AP also noted that whomever is eventually tapped to replace Rice will have a different set of responsibilities.

Citing a Congress divided between a Republican-controlled House and a Democratic Senate, and the lower expectations associated with a split Congress, the AP notes that Rice’s replacement will have a bigger focus on implementing existing policy, as opposed to crafting or strengthening new policy.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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