
Twitter Employees Have to Go Directly to the Big Man Now - Elon Musk Announces a Change They'll Hate


Twitter’s privileged, left-wing employees are seeing weekly — sometimes daily — changes at the social media giant, but this week they just found out their privilege of working from home whenever they feel like it has been revoked unless they clear it with the big man himself.

Musk emailed his new employees on Wednesday that they are no longer permitted to work remotely unless he personally approves it, according to the New York Post.

The new Twitter boss said there was “no way to sugarcoat the message” about the economic and budget pressures that the company is facing in the Biden era.

Musk, who finally took control of Twitter late last month, went on to say that all employees will be required to spend at least 40 hours a week at their assigned offices.

“The road ahead is arduous and will require intense work to succeed,” Musk said in the company-wide email.

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“Prior to Musk’s arrival, Twitter had established a permanent work-from-anywhere arrangement for its workers, many of whom had initially been pushed into remote work by the pandemic. It was one of the first topics in an all-hands call Musk held with Twitter staff after announcing the deal to buy the company earlier in the year. He said then that he’s against remote work and would only grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis, as he’s doing now,” Bloomberg reported.

Twitter is not the only Musk-owned company eliminating the remote working that became popular during the coronavirus pandemic. He also put similar restrictions on employees at his electric vehicle company, Tesla.

Musk made another big change by dumping the generous “days of rest” policy Twitter had in place, where employees were allowed an extra day off work each month outside of weekends, Bloomberg added.

It is a clear sign that Musk feels that Twitter’s previous company culture is one of laziness and entitlement and he wants to get employees back into a habit of working for a living.


This week’s directives come on the heels of a massive house cleaning, where he fired nearly half the company’s workforce after he locked down the building and prevented employees from entering during the transition.

The tactic caused some employees to file a lawsuit to stop Musk from firing them. But it was to no avail.

These new policies are the biggest clue as to how much change Twitter employees are facing.

In a separate email, Musk added that the most recent priority has been set and added, “over the next few days, the absolute top priority is finding and suspending any verified bots/trolls/spam.”

The changes have sent left-wing activists and Democrat politicians into overdrive, accusing Musk of all sorts of unprovable thought crimes.

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Despite the radical left’s hand-wringing, though, Musk has noted that he is so intent on restoring free speech at Twitter that he even wants his worst critics to stay, so they have a voice there.

Still, the left-wing pressure has been stiff enough for several large advertisers to withdraw their ads on the app. The exodus of these big-name advertisers — including General Motors, Pfizer and Mondelez foods — spurred Musk to accuse them of “trying to destroy free speech in America.”

In reply to the loss of ad dollars, Musk has tried several new tactics to bring Twitter’s revenue back up, including a controversial eight-dollar-per-month fee for verified checks.

Whatever Musk does in the future, he has an uphill battle to change the company’s lazy, entitled work culture and unshackle Twitter from the anti-free speech policies of those who once ran the social media giant.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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