
Tucker Carlson Says If The System Was Fair, This Is What Hunter Biden Would Be Charged With


Tucker Carlson unleashed a scathing smackdown of how President Joe Biden has shamelessly weaponized the Department of Justice to prosecute his political opponents while it gives a sweetheart deal to his troubled son, Hunter Biden.

On his Twitter broadcast Tuesday, Carlson said there’s a two-tiered justice system when it comes to the way alleged felonies committed by the first son are handled versus accusations leveled against former President Donald Trump and others the president and his party don’t like.

Notably, Carlson said, Hunter Biden was charged with minor tax offenses while his flouting of the Foreign Agent Registration Act went ignored by his father’s DOJ.

On Tuesday, the younger Biden agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax evasion charges and enter a pretrial diversion agreement in connection with an illegal gun possession charge.

Carlson said this contrived sweetheart deal was announced to gaslight the public into believing Hunter was being held accountable while slyly masking the bigger alleged crimes he committed.

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“There has long been overwhelming evidence that Joe and Hunter Biden’s financial lives are not separate at all, but deeply intertwined,” the former Fox News host said.

“On Hunter Biden’s laptop, there’s a suggestion that the two of them even at one point shared a bank account. And, of course, Hunter Biden wrote himself that he kicked back cash from his foreign business deals to his father.”

Carlson continued: “So the [House] Oversight Committee’s investigation was potentially a disaster for the White House — a scandal, possibly even a prelude to criminal charges. So in order to get ahead of all of that, Joe Biden’s handlers did the one thing they could do: They set up an MSNBC interview to pre-emptively whitewash whatever [Oversight Chairman James Comer] might find.”

On May 10, the House Oversight Committee released explosive findings from its investigation into the Biden family’s alleged wide-ranging influence-peddling scheme.


Carlson said the findings were devastating, but the DOJ refused to prosecute Hunter or anyone else in the Biden family.

“‘Bank records show the Biden family, their business associates and their companies’ — their many companies — ‘received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their related companies,'” he said, reading from a May 10 news release from the committee.

“Investigators had ‘identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while Joe Biden served as vice president and after he left public office.’

“So actually there was something there. It was a scandal: Racketeering, money-laundering, wire fraud — those are some of the crimes the Bidens seem to have committed, in addition to, of course, selling out the United States for cash.”

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Despite these shocking revelations, Carlson pointed out, Hunter received a slap on the wrist for minor tax misdemeanors this week.

“As far as Merrick Garland’s Justice Department is concerned, Hunter Biden is done,” Carlson remarked in disbelief. “There was no predawn raid carried live simultaneously on CNN. There was no perp walk, no handcuffs, no press conference.

“Above all, there was no felony. Hunter Biden — who broke federal gun laws — can still carry a gun. It’s like it all never happened.”

Carlson continued: “Most miraculous of all, Hunter Biden somehow escaped a FARA charge. FARA is the Foreign Agent Registration Act, and it is exactly what its name suggests. Under federal law, if you are acting as an agent of a foreign nation in Washington, you are required to register with our government, to let everybody know.”

The political commentator noted that for decades, hardly anyone in Washington who lobbied the government on behalf of foreign nations registered as a foreign agent or was prosecuted for violating the FARA Act.

But a few years ago — shortly after Trump announced his 2016 presidential run — the Justice Department suspiciously began targeting Trump aides for alleged FARA violations.

“The only point of enforcing FARA — after decades of ignoring it — is to harass and imprison high-profile political opponents,” the former Fox News host explained.

Carlson pointed out that Trump’s former donor Elliott Broidy, his former campaign manager Paul Manafort and his longtime friend billionaire Steve Wynn were all FARA targets.

Using these examples, he said, Hunter Biden should also be charged with multiple FARA violations.

“Hunter Biden was a foreign agent,” Carlson said. “He never registered as one, but for years, that’s exactly what he was. He sold access to his father and other lawmakers to the Chinese and the Ukrainians and countries throughout the world. There’s no debate about that. The FBI has known about it for years.”

The lesson to be gleaned from the Biden DOJ’s hypocritical, kid-gloves handling of Hunter Biden compared with its vicious persecution of its political opponents is that there is no equal justice under the law.

“The question is what can we learn from Hunter Biden’s plea deal today? First off, the obvious: For the children of the people in charge, there are no penalties — there are only upsides,” Carlson said.

“They’re princelings. They can do what they want.

“You are not. Therefore you can’t. So don’t get any ideas about cheating on your taxes or violating federal gun laws unless you want to celebrate next year’s Father’s Day through the glass in the visitor’s room. The rules definitely apply to you, including rules you don’t know yet exist.

“But there is also a deeper lesson here, a more disturbing one: What we’re watching through Hunter Biden’s life and through the Biden administration, now entering its third year, is the total inversion of virtue.

“What was once considered admirable is now derided as stupid, if not racist. That would include achievement, intelligence, honesty, self-control, humility. Those are features of the Old America. Those were yesterday’s virtues. They are gone.

“In their place, all that we once considered contemptible and repulsive, we’re told to worship that now.”

One can only imagine how much worse things will get if Biden’s dumpster-fire presidency is given another four years to wreak havoc on the nation.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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