
Trump's Not Even Slightly Worried About Going to Jail: 'I'm Built a Little Differently, I Guess'


Former President Donald J. Trump on Sunday showed his true colors, yet again, in an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker:

He is red, white, and blue to the end.

He may be flawed in other ways. But his commitment to the country is unquestionable.

That is the reason he is the front-runner among Republican candidates, leading the GOP field by more than 40 points, according to the most recent RealClearPolitics polling average.

It is also why the establishment media outlets treat Trump and his supporters with barely disguised hostility — and that showed during Welker’s interview with the former commander in chief.

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Undoubtedly, it was an interview designed to cast Trump in a poor light. But questions clearly harboring the false hope that Trump’s mental state was beginning to crack under the pile of indictments thrust upon him over the last few months didn’t get the results Welker was looking for.

Upon watching the full interview, I was left saying to myself, “What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger.”

I’m sure I wasn’t alone. Trump remained more resolute and unshaken than ever, in spite of the lynching the Democrats are determined to accomplish.

When Welker asked the former president rather pointedly in the interview, “Do you worry about going to jail?” Trump’s response couldn’t have been more perfect for Americans who were watching.

“No, I don’t, really. I don’t even think about it,” he said.

That exchange is here. Trump’s whole answer is well worth hearing:

It is exactly what you want to hear from the leader of the free world. In the face of constant reminders of the frailty of President Joe Biden and policies that are destroying our nation, the American people need to see Trump’s example of clarity, strength, and commitment to “making America great again.”


And Trump needs to give that to them to win 2024. Regardless of whether or not he truly doesn’t think about going to jail in his occasionally vulnerable moments, he could never voice it. Nor would he. Great leaders carry on, regardless of the circumstances around them.

Even so, few would have the fortitude to be able to go about their daily lives with such gusto while the prospect — however remote — of a lifetime prison sentence looms over them. This is even more the case for politicians campaigning under such tumultuous conditions and a grueling schedule.

But Trump doesn’t seem fazed in the least. If the tables were turned, I hardly think President Biden would be so unwavering and calm. We’ve seen how he reacts when the circumstances around him suddenly go askew. He either trips over his tongue, breaks out in a sinister grin accompanied by derisive laughter, or succumbs to rage.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Trump explained his resolve to Welker in this way, “I’m built a little differently I guess, because I have had people come up to me and say, ‘How do you do it, sir? How do you do it?’ I don’t even think about it.”

Seems the Democrats’ tactics aren’t working.

By the looks of it, the four indictments against Trump have only fueled his determination to win the 2024 election and get back to business.

“These are corrupt people that I am dealing with,” Trump told Welker. “They are destroying our country. I don’t even think about it. All I think about is making the country great. Making America great.”

As Welker pressed on to conclude the interview with her pound of flesh in sight, she tried to ensnare the former president in words that would equate with an acknowledgment that he had lost the 2020 election. Trump did not take the bait.

Trump’s response: “I’m not acknowledging. I say I won the election.”

There are plenty of voters who say that, too. This is about today, though. And today, Trump’s Herculean demeanor is being noticed by new voters as well as those who want him stopped.

To what length they will go to stop him, that remains to be seen. But as long as so many among us consider Trump “our nation’s last great hope,” he will undoubtedly have more trials to overcome as well as opportunities to star in his own modern-day epic tale, where his true colors keep shining through.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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