
Trump Supporters Plan Massive 'Stop the Steal' Rally At Georgia State Capitol


The “Stop the Steal” political protest movement is heading to Georgia this week to shine a light on the election irregularities and call for a “full audit” of the results.

Among those speakers slated to speak at the rally at the George State Capitol building in Atlanta are President Donald Trump supporter and Democrat Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones, conservative commentator C.J. Pearson, political activists Scott Presler and Brandon Straka, and Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin.

“It’s imperative that Georgia lead the way,” Stop the Steal protest organizer Ali Alexander said in a statement to The Patriot Project.

“If there are questions about the integrity of the election or pending lawsuits, the Secretary of State and Governor Kemp should not certify the election,” he added.

“Instead, call a special session and allow the state legislature to reclaim its constitutional duties and rights in selecting the electors Georgia sends to the Electoral College. They can do this after the legal battles are done. This is about fairness.”

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Alexander wrote in a tweet that protests will be held at noon on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with a “Big Protest” on Saturday.

Fellow protest organizer Michael Coudrey said what “Stop the Steal” supporters want to see is a “full vote audit,” including all signatures on mail-in ballots.

“The significant irregularities in the election infrastructure, the issues with voting machines breaking down across Georgia on Election Day, and questions about signature verifications on ballots have sowed incredible distrust in the elections process,” Coudrey told The Patriot Project.

“We are coming to Georgia to demand fair, honest and transparent elections,” he continued. “We want all signatures on mail-in ballots to be fully audited, we want these irregularities to be addressed, and we want a full vote audit to ensure all ballots cast were legal and lawful.”

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Pressler, who spoke at the Stop the Steal March in DC last weekend, told The Patriot Project that he’s coming to Georgia to demand a vote audit and to urge Governor Brian Kemp “to call a special session, and to empower Georgia voters to take action.”

On Monday, election officials discovered that 2,600 ballots in northwestern Floyd County were not counted on Election Day.

The discovery results in a net gain for Trump of approximately 800 votes.

Additionally, the Georgia secretary of state’s office reported on Tuesday another 2,755 votes were not counted in Fayette County, netting the president 400 more votes, according to WTOC-TV.

Georgia Republican Party chairman David Shafer tweeted, “More uncounted votes discovered during the hand count in Fayette County, mostly for @realDonaldTrump.”

“Apparently a memory card was not uploaded. Unclear whether this is the same type of error discovered yesterday in Floyd County or a new one,” he added.

Politico reported “unexplained” computer glitches in the Dominion Voting Systems software on Election Day in Georgia occurred in Spalding and Morgan counties, which initially prevented voters from casting ballots.

Both counties went heavily for Trump.

My phone can’t capture everyone who’s here #StopTheSteal

Marcia Ridley, supervisor of the Spalding County Board of Elections “had initially attributed the problem to a vendor’s 11th-hour update to the equipment. But log files for the devices — electronic poll books that poll workers use to sign in voters at precincts — show that no such update occurred to the devices the night before Election Day, Ridley said,” according to Politico.

“However, she said she stands by her previous statements last week that a representative for the election technology vendor, Dominion Voting Systems, told her office that it had uploaded some kind of update the night before the election and that this had created the glitch.”


Gabriel Sterling, the voting system implementation manager in the Georgia secretary of state’s office, said the log files show the last update occurred on October 31.

“Sterling told reporters during a news conference on Nov. 3 that the problem in the two counties was probably a dataset that had been uploaded to the systems, but that the state didn’t know for certain,” Politico reported.

Top election cyber experts told The Western Journal in April that voting software systems can be hacked and reprogrammed to skew vote tallies.

Harri Hursti — one of the world’s foremost election security experts and star of the HBO documentary “Kill Chain: the Cyber War on America’s Elections,”– explained that all these devices are programmed how to organize and communicate the data to a central database.

“The memory cards actually have a programming side,” he said. “Programming can have a lot of logic. So the program can dynamically look [at] what is happening and decide on the spot what is needed to be done in this precinct on this machine” as part of changing the overall result.

Currently just under 14,000 votes separate Trump and Biden in Georgia.

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