
Trump Reportedly Considering Republican He Ran Against in 2016 to Be His VP


If former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election — and every American who loves freedom should pray that he does, assuming he is the GOP nominee — he will not serve more than four years in office. Urgency surrounds his campaign. He would need someone to help him win. Then, he would have much to do and a short time in which to do it.

Thus, his choice of running mate would carry more than the usual significance attached to such decisions.

According to The Calvin Coolidge Project — a conservative account with more than 40,000 followers on the social media platform X — 2016 Republican presidential candidate, legendary brain surgeon and former Trump administration official Ben Carson has emerged as the “leading frontrunner” to serve as Trump’s running mate if he wins the GOP primary race.

“News: A source who is familiar with President Trump’s thinking tells me that @RealBenCarson is the leading frontrunner to be his Vice President choice in 2024 at this time. What do you think of a Trump-Carson ticket?” the account said in a post on Wednesday.

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X users responded with approval.

“Absolutely amazing choice,” one said.

“This is my dream team,” another posted.

Others noted Carson’s appealing blend of intelligence and humility.

“Ben Carson is brilliant. I really didn’t think he’d be a good VP at first, but perhaps he’d be way better than anyone out there since Dr Carson is so humble yet very firm in his beliefs. He won’t fold I know that,” one person posted.

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Another probably best summarized all of Carson’s attractive qualities, including his medical credentials and loyalty to Trump.

“Ben Carson has been my top pick all along! Intelligent. Well spoken. Medical expert. Loyal. Good friend to Trump. Low key. An optimal pairing with Trump,” the person said in a post on X.

Indeed, that “optimal pairing with Trump” line could mean any number of things.

It could mean, for instance, something as simple as trust.


Having experienced both persecution from bloodthirsty enemies and betrayal from nominal allies, Trump must prioritize loyalty. Carson, who served as secretary of housing and urban development in the Trump White House, has proved himself loyal to the former president.

In October, the 72-year-old Carson gave Trump his “full endorsement” in the 2024 race.

“Optimal pairing” also could mean that Trump recognizes his only true vulnerabilities with the Republican base. Carson’s medical background, for instance, could assuage voters who have never forgiven Trump for listening to the charlatan Anthony Fauci. Likewise, Carson’s Christian faith could attract voters who regard Trump’s stance on abortion as too tepid and his words objectionable.

Unlike racist liberal elites, Trump and his supporters despise identity politics. Only Carson’s character and intelligence matter. The fact that he is black, therefore, means nothing.

Alas, racist liberals control the establishment media, so we know they will make “race” an issue. In that context, it bears noting that the regime’s obvious persecution of Trump, coupled with President Joe Biden’s comic ineptitude, has produced substantial pro-Trump momentum among black voters. If Carson’s selection helps maintain that momentum, then so be it.

Carson, however, would not represent a merely symbolic choice.

In any case, those kinds of choices often end in disaster.

For instance, when seeking re-election in 1864, Abraham Lincoln jettisoned Vice President Hannibal Hamlin in favor of Andrew Johnson from Tennessee. With the Civil War raging, Johnson gave the Republican Lincoln what he needed: a Southern Democrat who remained loyal to the Union and thereby personified the possibility of postwar reconciliation.

Of course, Johnson also behaved like an arrogant fool. His ascension to the presidency following Lincoln’s 1865 assassination proved calamitous and resulted in the first presidential impeachment.

With his particular blend of intelligence and humility, Carson should strike us as the anti-Johnson.

Other candidates would bring their own strengths as Trump’s running mate.

Nonetheless, Carson’s conservative credentials, professional achievements and personal qualities would make him a strong choice — perhaps the strongest possible.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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