
Trump Officials Prep for Huge Border Move After Nov. Red Wave, Announce Unheard of New Ways to Lock Down Border


A coalition of border policy experts and think tanks has outlined a 15-point platform to reverse President Joe Biden’s porous southern border policy, reforming the US immigration system in the name of security and national integrity.

Border policy experts such as former DHS Secretary Chad Wolf and Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott are among the officials supporting the plan.

The group includes a dozen former Trump officials, as well as leading public policy organizations in border states and Washington D.C.

The law comprehensively addresses the factors drawing illegal immigration to the United States, sweeping away an antiquated system unprepared to process bogus asylum claims from millions of economic migrants.

A letter provided to Fox News outlines measures that experts believe will be essential to reversing mass illegal immigration at the border.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

The border hawks are calling upon Congress to codify an expulsion authority that would enable DHS and Border Patrol to quickly send illegal aliens back to the countries they entered from.

The plan would also make migrants that enter the United States from a “safe third country” such as Mexico ineligible for asylum in the country. This would end the ‘caravan‘ phenomenon of large groups of Central Americans marching toward the border.

States would be provided independent authority to enforce immigration law under the plan, an idea touted by Republicans in border states such as Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake.


Other measures would prevent Biden appointees from refusing to carry out their immigration enforcement duties, such as ending the parole provisions used to “catch and release” illegal migrants.

The plan’s authors call for the restriction of “prosecutorial discretion” in immigration enforcement.

The plan would notably include resources to finish former President Donald Trump’s border wall, saving resources for Border Patrol by limiting the unprotected terrain that requires regular patrols.

The plan’s backers are expecting to push the policies in a Republican congress after a potential November ‘Red Wave’ election.

While the plan’s legislative prospects are ambitious, it could find traction in Congress.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Even some Democrats have admitted that the federal government needs to revise immigration enforcement.

Several Democratic senators have expressed willingness to codify Title 42, the Trump-era policy that allows quick expulsion of illegal migrants on public health grounds.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has suggested as many as half a million illegal aliens could arrive at the southern border every single month after the pending termination of Title 42 later this month.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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