
Trump Makes Case Why Voter Integrity Must Be Addressed Now or '22, '24 Will Not Matter


Former President Donald Trump commended Arizona Senate Republicans on Saturday in Phoenix for standing up for election integrity, saying unless the issue is addressed correctly now, the 2022 midterms and 2024 elections will not matter.

“We’re gathered here in Phoenix to show our support for election integrity and for the brave and unyielding conservative warriors in the Arizona state Senate,” Trump said at the “Rally to Protect Our Elections” hosted by Turning Point Action.

“I particularly want to thank Arizona Senate president Karen Fann. She’s been great, she’s been strong,” he added.

“I predict when the votes come in and that’s her in the Senate, I think they’re going to be so horrible that she’s going to go three steps further than she ever thought she’d have to,” Trump said.

Fann told The Western Journal last week Maricopa County’s election result “numbers are not adding up,” and it is not clear if officials are simply withholding information or if something else is going on.

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Her comment came in response to auditors finding there is no record of up to 74,000 absentee ballots that apparently were counted in November’s election being mailed out.

President Joe Biden won Arizona by just 0.3 percentage points, or approximately 10,500 votes.

Fann explained the steps that would have to be taken if Arizona were to decertify Biden as the winner as a result of the audit’s findings, which have yet to be released.


“If in fact there were enough votes that it would really affect the outcome of any races that we are auditing, then the first thing that has to be done is you have to prove that. This is not just a report to a committee or anything else. You know for a fact, it’s going to go to court,” she said.

Fann said if a court ruling were issued establishing that the election results were in error and Trump or other candidates won, then both the Arizona House and Senate would have to vote to decertify the election.

Trump argued at Saturday’s rally that November’s election results were wrong.

“The radical left Democrat communist party rigged and stole the election, and we caught them,” he said. “The time to hold them responsible and fix this broken and corrupt system is not in 2022 where it may be just as corrupt. And if it is, you’re not going to win, or in 2024.

“The time is right now here in Arizona.”

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Trump went on to contend that if people’s election concerns were not addressed now, many Republicans will not show up at the polls nor volunteer to help get GOP candidates elected.

“We have to hold those that are responsible for the 2020 presidential elections scam,” the 45th president said. “It was a scam, greatest crime in history, and we have to hold these people accountable.”

Trump indicated vote integrity efforts must go beyond Maricopa County to other locations like Philadelphia, Detroit and Fulton County, Georgia.

“Our country is being destroyed by people who have no right to destroy it,” he said.

“People that won an election illegally. People that should not have been elected. They lost in a landslide.”

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