
Trump-Endorsed Senate Candidate Called Out for Donating to Democrats Trying to Jail the Former President


There’s an old Aesop fable that warns readers not to “nourish a viper in one’s bosom.”

According to the story, the viper will always turn around and bite its benefactor once it is strong enough.

It’s a lesson the New York Republican Party seems to be having some trouble grasping.

The party has chosen wealthy private security executive Mike Sapraicone as its preferred nominee to take on Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, despite his history of donations to liberal causes and Democratic candidates.

Sapraicone easily won the support of 84 percent of delegates at the state Republican convention on Thursday. Party leaders believe Sapraicone, a moderate, represents the GOP’s best chance to compete in deep blue New York, according to The New York Times.

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However, records of Sapraicone’s political donations show concerning support for Democrats, including a $1,000 donation from his security firm Squad Security to New York Attorney General Letitia James.

James recently secured a conviction against former President Donald Trump on allegations that he inflated the values of his properties to secure more favorable loan terms. Indicting Trump, even on criminal charges, which could put him in jail, was a campaign promise of James, according to Politico.

A legal analyst on CNN put it this way: “Letitia James campaigned for attorney general in 2018 specifically on a promise of ‘Vote for me, and I’ll get Donald Trump.’ That’s not something she said once — she said it dozens of times, she said it in writing, she fundraised off it.

“And she wasn’t even specific. She didn’t say, ‘I’ll get him for inflating his assets.’ At one point she said, ‘he could be indicted for money laundering.’ At one point she said .. the day after she was elected she said … and I quote, ‘We’re definitely going to sue his a**, he’ll know my name.’”

Records show that Sapraicone’s Squad Security made the donation to James on March 8, 2022 — during the time James’ office was in the middle of an active investigation against Trump.

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It’s safe to assume that had Trump known about Sapraicone’s support of James, he would not have given his wholehearted endorsement to the Senate hopeful. On Sunday, Trump posted a message on Truth Social congratulating Sapraicone, writing in part:

“Congratulations to Mike Sapraicone on running against one of the worst Senators in the U.S. Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand. All you have to do is go back and look at her failed Presidential run, an embarrassment to all New Yorkers, after which I assumed she would never be able to even think about running for Office again. People’s memories, however, are short …”

“Good luck to Mike – He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” Trump added.

Former Republican Congressman Peter King thinks Republicans should have a longer memory when it comes to endorsing candidates who have played for the other side.

King blasted the Republican Party on Wednesday after records of Sapraicone’s donations to James emerged, calling for Sapraicone to drop out of the Senate race, according to The New York Post.

During an appearance on WABC’s Sid & Friends show, King said, “The right thing for [Sapraicone] to do is to withdraw from the race and if he doesn’t, I would ask President Trump to ask him to withdraw.”

King asserted that Sapraicone’s donation to James is “indefensible” given her recent legal actions against Trump.

He stated bluntly, “I think he’s done,” alluding to Sapraicone’s viability as a candidate moving forward.

Campaign records also show that Sapraicone and his firm donated $150,000 to other Democratic candidates, including disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, according to the Post.

It should be noted that many New York businesses, including Trump’s, have donated to “both sides” to keep the wheels moving.

But donating to James while she was actively working to convict Trump feels too much like tempting fate.

The New York Republican Party is already taking flak for supporting former GOP Rep. George Santos, who was expelled from the House in December for ethics violations, according to CNN.

Santos was replaced by Democrat Tom Suozzi, making the slim Republican majority in the House even smaller.

Suozzi was also on the list of Democrats who benefited from donations from Sapraicone.

It is unlikely that Sapraicone will secure the New York Senate seat.
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand maintains a relatively steady 40-32 percent favorability rating among New York voters as she seeks a third term, according to a recent Siena College poll, and an overall advantage over any Republican rival as of late February, according to NY1.

But a good showing in this race could possibly bring this dubious-at-best candidate into the bosom of the party, setting him up for some more “winnable” races, possibly in the House.

Blinded by dreams of victory against the odds, New York Republicans again seem to be closing their eyes to the dangers of this candidate.

They may do well to heed former Rep. King’s warning and make sure “he’s done” before it’s too late.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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