
Trump Drops 2024 Hint at Christmas Party: 'I'll See You in Four Years'


Although some want to consider him the president of Christmas past, President Donald Trump spoke Tuesday of being the president of Christmas future.

“It’s been an amazing four years,” Trump told attendees at a White House Christmas party Tuesday night, according to The Associated Press. “We’re trying to do another four years. Otherwise, I’ll see you in four years.”

During a snippet of video taken by Pam Pollard, a Republican National Committee member from Oklahoma, the president could be heard talking of the progress made in developing a coronavirus vaccine.

In his comments, Trump displayed a combative approach to the Nov. 3 election that appears to have given a victory to presumptive potential President-elect Joe Biden.

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“It’s certainly an unusual year. We won an election. But they don’t like that,” Trump said, according to the New York Post. “I call it a rigged election, and I always will.”

The Trump campaign has insisted that there has been voter fraud in states that include Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as Pennsylvania.


Numerous affidavits testifying to various types of election fraud have been filed in courts in several swing states. These affidavits constitute evidence of fraud, but those allegations have yet to be proven by those courts. The legal action remains ongoing.

Trump referenced “fraud hearings” in which his legal team is seeking to prove that vast irregularities took place in the election.

“Honestly, this is a disgrace,” he said, according to CNN.

Speculation about a Trump run for the White House in 2024 has been rising as Trump’s legal team has lost case after case, making it appear increasingly likely that Biden will take office in January.

A recent report in The Daily Beast based on a variety of unnamed sources framed Trump’s deliberations about 2024 in terms of when he will announce he is running more than whether he will run.

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The report said the president has “floated the idea of doing a 2024-related event during Biden’s inauguration week, possibly on Inauguration Day.”

A report by Bloomberg said that during a meeting last month attended by Trump, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pence, the president said he would run in 2024.

Trump said last week that he knows what he will be doing on Inauguration Day, but was coy about sharing the details.

“I’ll be honest, I know the answer, but I just don’t want to say it yet,” he said.

Trump has recently raised $170 million for his “Election Defense Fund,” according to Axios, most of which can be used for future activity that might lay the foundation for a 2024 bid.

Bryan Lanza, communications director for Trump’s transition team after the president’s 2016 triumph, has said Trump is in a good position to “run again four years from now.”

“There’s nobody in the Republican party that can challenge President Trump in the primaries,” Lanza said last month, according to The Independent.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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