
Trans Model Wins National Miss Universe Crown After New Owner Called Pageant a 'Women's Empowerment Competition'


Nothing says “women’s empowerment” like the power of male supremacy.

The Netherlands Miss Universe competition proved that over the weekend when young women from throughout the country gathered Saturday to seek the honor of representing the nation in the Miss Universe competition in December.

When a man won the top honor, though, for the first time in the country’s history, the backlash began immediately.

Independent Women’s Voice, an advocacy group based in Washington, wasn’t the first out of the gate with criticism, but published a Twitter post Sunday that put it in brutally succinct terms.

The result, the group said, was a “slap in the face.”

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“This is nothing to celebrate,” the tweet stated. “This is a slap in the face to every single woman who competed against this biological male in a competition designed SPECIFICALLY for women.”

There were plenty who agreed.

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This, unfortunately, is getting all too familiar at this point. Encouraged current social contagion of transgender insanity (not to mention greed and an evident psychological instability), men are shouldering their way into women’s competitions with increasing success — in swimming, bicycling, running, in idiotic leftist media honors.

That’s infuriating, but to be expected — at least when it comes to the sport. As humans have known for all of human history, in any athletic contest, the adult male of the species has a considerable advantage of the adult female. (For prepubescent children, the advantage is not so reliable, as any man with an older sister and a memory can attest.)

Putting men and women athletes on the same, nowhere-close-to-even playing field is going to yield nowhere-close-to-even results. Logic dictates that.


But the prospect of men winning in contests of physical beauty — the home turf of women going back to the Creation — is beyond unsettling.

To allow men to compete against women in feats of strength requires only the intellectual ability to pretend that objective truth doesn’t exist.

Committed ideologues have been mastering a peculiar brand of insanity since long before the “Communist Manifesto.” (England’s King Canute probably got a bad rap with the tide story, but it makes the point.)

But pretending that the male form is comparable to the female on aesthetic terms is different.

That’s a defilement of the idea of beauty and a debasement of the spirit that goes beyond the simple insanity of leftist ideology.

And that’s where the West is now, as the official Miss Nederland Facebook page shows:

Translated, according to Facebook, that states:

“The jury report reads: This finalist shined throughout the show and has also made the greatest progress along the way. She has an iron strong story with a clear mission. The jury is convinced that the organization will enjoy working with this young woman. Miss Netherlands 2023 is… RIKKIE”

No one unblinkered by leftist perversion would consider the individual in the center of that picture the most physically attractive specimen of humanity on offer. There might be quibbles about which of the blondes was better looking, whether one of the brunettes might be too tall, but not one person — male or female — with a working pair of eyes would consider pageant winner Rikkie Valerie Kolle to be even in the running against the others.

Nonetheless, Kolle — who is a model according to NPR — received the crown.

“I DID IT,” he wrote in an Instagram post.

“On to many more adventures, let’s get @missuniverse ready. So excited!”

Kolle might be excited — and what 22-year-old wouldn’t be? It doesn’t matter whether he’s truly mentally ill enough to think he’s a woman, or so bone-deep dishonest that he can play off this charade on the world stage. What matters in the young adult mind is being on top of the world, thanks to the increasing power of the transgender movement on a global basis.

Transgender contestants have been allowed to participate in Miss Universe pageants since 2012, according to NPR. (Then-future President Donald Trump owned the organization then.)

Kolle is the second to win a spot at the national level. The first transgender to win a national title was in Spain in 2018, NPR reported.

In October 2022, according to a CNN report, the Miss Universe Pageant was purchased by Thai media tycoon Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip. Jakrajutatip is more than just a successful businessman, though, he’s a transgender who lives as a woman.

“I don’t call Miss Universe a beauty pageant anymore,” Jakrajutatip told Metro Weekly, a gay-oriented publication in Washington, D.C. in January. “I call it a women’s empowerment competition.”

And as the whole world knows, nothing says “women’s empowerment” like having the best man win.

And nothing really says it quite like a slap in the face to women everywhere.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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