
Top White House COVID Adviser's Controversial Mask Post Censored by Twitter


Twitter has censored a White House coronavirus adviser for suggesting that widespread mask mandates were not a magical defense against the coronavirus.

Dr. Scott Atlas, in a post published Saturday that Twitter censored but can be read on the Web archive, wrote, “Masks work? NO: LA, Miami, Hawaii, Alabama, France, Phlippnes, UK, Spain, Israel. WHO:’widesprd use not supported’ + many harms; Heneghan/Oxf CEBM:’despite decades, considerble uncertainty re value’; CDC rvw May:’no sig red’n in inflnz transm’n’; learn why.”

He followed that up with a tweet that Twitter allowed to remain.

“That means the right policy is @realDonaldTrump’s guideline: use masks for their intended purpose – when close to others, especially hi risk. Otherwise, social distance. No widespread mandates.”

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In a statement, Twitter told The Hill that the banned tweet “was in violation of our COVID-19 Misleading Information Policy” that “prohibits sharing false or misleading content related to COVID-19 which could lead to harm.”

Atlas said he did not understand Twitter’s logic in banning a public discussion about wearing masks, according to Newsweek.

In an email to the publication, he wrote: “Twitter seems to be censoring the science if it goes against their own goals of public indoctrination.”


Referring to his tweet questioning the effectiveness of masks, Atlas said he “specifically and immediately” had noted in the followup that proper policy was “use masks when one cannot socially distance.”

In fact, Atlas tweets about the virus often, and often pushes back against the Lords of Lockdowns.

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Considering Twitter’s action came at the end of a week where the social media giant, along with Facebook, squelched distribution of New York Post articles that could be badly damaging to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, many users argue that Twitter should stop throttling opinions.

In September, Atlas collided with Big Tech when YouTube yanked a video of Atlas questioning the mantra that social distancing is effective, according to Fox News.

Atlas said that Big Tech’s censorship was a mistake.

“It’s a disaster,” Atlas told Fox at the time. “We’ve already seen the near obstruction of journalism.”

“When you start censoring science you are removing fact, removing the basic way that we decide what is truth in what is not,” Atlas said.

“This has been done I think historically in various countries and you know, we are sort of teetering on the edge of what is done in Third World countries — the countries we used to be proudly distinguished from.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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