
Top Pentagon Official Quits, Says America Has 'Already Lost' Key AI Battle with China


The U.S. Air Force’s first chief software officer resigned in protest last month, saying communist China will emerge as the world’s preeminent superpower soon because it’s already on track to overtake the United States when it comes to artificial intelligence and cyber warfare.

“We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years,” Nicolas Chaillan told the Financial Times on Monday. “Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion.”

Chaillan, who was appointed in 2018 under former President Donald Trump. said it was pointless for him to continue in his position given the U.S. military’s current priorities.

He said U.S. cyberdefenses are currently at “kindergarten level,” making America an easy target for large-scale hacking operations that could cripple the country’s infrastructure and banking systems.

The Biden administration has made combating climate change and promoting transgenderism — not defending the homeland — the centerpiece of the nation’s military strategy.

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Because the future of warfare is in cyberspace, China’s scientific superiority will ensure its global dominance because America is asleep at the wheel.

Fueling America’s rapid slide into mediocrity is the left-wing movement to eradicate academic standards in the name of racial “equity.”

Lowering standards at schools and in the workplace doesn’t help underachieving individuals or groups. All it does is dumb down students across the board and undercut American exceptionalism. This is a boon for our foreign adversaries.

Chaillan also blamed tech giant Google — which cheerfully does the bidding of Democrats to push left-wing agendas — for refusing to work with the Defense Department to develop artificial intelligence.

Meanwhile, Chinese tech conglomerates are obliged to work with their government to help them dominate the world.

Chaillan said he plans to testify before Congress about the mounting Chinese cyberthreat in the coming weeks.

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Since Joe Biden was installed as president, the United States has been the target of cyberattacks from both China and Russia.

Predictably, Biden refused to confront either country about the escalating cyberwarfare on the United States.

Chaillan resigned in early September and posted a blistering letter to his LinkedIn account in which he torpedoed the Defense Department for putting incompetent, unqualified people in charge of critical military infrastructure.


He said these inane personnel decisions and America’s nonstop elevation of mediocrity have compromised his children’s futures.

“I realize more clearly than ever before that, in 20 years from now, our children, both in the United States’ and our Allies’, will have no chance competing in a world where China has the drastic advantage of population over the US,” Chaillan wrote.

“If the US can’t match the booming, hardworking population in China, then we have to win by being smarter, more efficient, and forward-leaning through agility, rapid prototyping and innovation. We have to be ahead and lead. We can’t afford to be behind,” he continued.

Chaillan pointed out that “we would not put a pilot in the cockpit without extensive flight training; why would we expect someone with no IT experience to be close to successful? … While we wasted time in bureaucracy, our adversaries moved further ahead.”

He is correct that the Chinese Communist Party’s ascension undercuts American dominance on the world stage.

However, the United States’ implosion isn’t due to foreign enemies but to destructive domestic policies that are decimating our economy and eroding the fabric of American society.

And you can blame Biden and the Democrats for the dystopian nightmare unfolding before your eyes.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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