
Biden's Approval Rating Craters to 33%, Even Worse News Lurking Inside the Poll


President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have been on the downhill slope for months now, but the latest numbers from Quinnipiac University indicate he might have hit rock bottom.

The poll released on Wednesday showed that only 33 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s job as president, compared with 53 percent who disapprove.

This is down from 36 percent in November by the same pollster.

When broken down by party, even Democrats appear to be more discontent over the course of the winter months.

Biden held 87 percent of his party’s approval then, compared with only 75 percent now.

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The phone survey of 1,313 adults from Jan. 7 to Jan. 10 had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 percent margin.

Although die-hard Biden supporters might be confused as to why the president is performing so poorly in the eyes of average Americans, it becomes clear when his numbers on specific issues are included.

Quinnipiac found that only 34 percent approve of his handling of the economy, 35 percent on foreign policy, and 39 percent on coronavirus.


Surprise, surprise. Apparently, a president becomes unpopular when he presides over skyrocketing inflation, botches the withdrawal from Afghanistan and allows coronavirus cases to surge despite promising to “shut down” the virus.

These issues resonate among all Americans regardless of age, race or income.

Americans are struggling to keep up with rising costs and are constantly being left on their toes regarding coronavirus policies.

Biden’s sinking poll numbers do not necessarily mean that people will be flocking to the Republican Party in droves in the 2022 midterm elections, but they do indicate that a number of Americans are seeking new leadership.

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Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald pointed out that the establishment media are no longer convincing, as evidenced by these numbers.

“Among other lessons, these numbers show how quickly the dominant wing of corporate media is losing its grip on power and the dissemination of information. The business model they chose worked for awhile — let’s talk only to Dems, feed them what they want — but now it’s a prison,” he tweeted on Wednesday.

The White House has spent the past year trying to placate news outlets instead of working to put out the numerous fires it faces.

The administration appears to remain committed to this strategy, but voters ultimately will decide whether it succeeds or fails.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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