
Texas Rancher Sounds Alarm: Thanks to Biden, Human Smugglers Are 'Driving Right Through Fences Onto Our Property'


The Biden administration’s catastrophic open-borders policy has been a boon for predatory human smugglers and a scourge for struggling Americans who live in border states.

Emily Lord King is a rancher in South Texas who said smugglers are crashing the fences on her property and using her land as a dumping ground for illegal aliens.

She told Fox News host Harris Faulkner on “The Faulkner Focus” Monday that her ranch is under siege by migrants who are being dropped off by smugglers while Border Patrol officials are woefully unprepared to deal with the daily barrage.

“I don’t feel like law enforcement was prepared for it,” King said. “I don’t think they have the resources.

“And now we have human smugglers that are driving right through fences onto our property. They’re [members of law enforcement are] not apprehending everyone that’s in those vehicles and they’re left on our property, running loose. We don’t feel safe.”

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For the record, the No. 1 job of the president is “implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress,” including the longstanding immigration laws that career politicians like Joe Biden approved decades ago.

For the sitting president to himself flout federal immigration laws and to encourage foreign nationals to break U.S. laws is a gross dereliction of duty.

King said the situation on her ranch has “changed overnight” ever since Biden was installed in the White House two months ago.


During the tenure of former President Donald Trump, she had one incident of migrants barraging her land.

Now, her ranch is besieged on a weekly basis by caravans of illegal aliens being dumped there by human smugglers.

“We had one incident in the last four years, and we’ve had one a week since the middle of January,” King lamented.

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King echoed the experiences of other ranchers and residents in border states. The situation has gotten exponentially worse because Biden halted construction of the border wall.

New Mexico rancher Russell Johnson said he and his family are terrified because there’s a three-quarters-of-a-mile hole in his ranch where wall construction was abruptly stopped.

“It’s a horrible feeling knowing that your ranch, your property, your family is now the funneling point of all the traffic that’s coming through this area now,” Johnson told “Watters’ World” host Jesse Watters on Saturday.

“This gap is right south of my house, so all of this stuff is coming right by my house and my family is exposed to it on a daily basis.”

Johnson said he has been forced to patrol his property with a gun to protect his family because illegal aliens are “terrorizing our ranch in between in the three-mile stretch.”

Arizona rancher John Ladd said Border Patrol agents and communities are being overwhelmed on a daily basis thanks to Biden’s irresponsible rhetoric and destructive open-borders policies.

“Border Patrol is overwhelmed, our communities are overwhelmed,” Ladd told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday.

“They’re busing them into our towns and dumping them off. They’re not giving them bus tickets. They’re just leaving them there.”

Ladd observed that the surge of illegal aliens began skyrocketing the moment Biden promised them mass amnesty.

“We got spoiled with Donald Trump,” he said. “It started before Biden even took office. As soon as the election was over, he promised amnesty to 11 million people. Here they come.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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