
Teen Girls Stabbed in New York City While Eating with Parents


New York City used to be a safe place for people from across the country and the globe to visit.

Two teen girls from South America found out the hard way on Christmas Day that the Democrat-controlled city not only neglects its own citizens but also now puts tourists at risk.

Each of the girls was stabbed, police said, by a man with a lengthy rap sheet and an alleged hatred for “white people.”

According to WABC-TV, the girls, sisters ages 14 and 16, were enjoying a meal with their family on Monday morning at a restaurant at Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan just before noon.

That was when they encountered 36-year-old Steven Hutcherson, police alleged. According to WABC, Hutcherson approached the teen tourists and became enraged when he was told he could not sit by them.

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The New York City Police Department said the allegedly deranged man pulled out a knife and attacked the girls.

The 16-year-old was stabbed in the back, suffering a collapsed lung. Her 14-year-old sister was stabbed once in the thigh.

According to what police told WABC, the motive for the unprovoked stabbings leaves little to the imagination.


Not only did police officials describe the alleged attacker as emotionally unstable, but police said that as the girls were stabbed, Hutcherson uttered the words, “I want all the white people dead.”

Luckily, the girls survived the alleged racist attacks. Although their conditions are not known, they were both transported to a nearby hospital.

With a reported 17 prior arrests on Hutcherson’s rap sheet, it wouldn’t be a stretch to speculate there was a scenario in which he would not have been free to walk the streets this week to allegedly stab teenage girls.

However, elected officials in New York City no longer concern themselves with issues such as public safety.

The city’s bail reforms have seen countless people become victims of unprovoked attacks by violent monsters in recent years. The perpetrators so often were released from jail when bad policy and politicized justice collided to allow them the opportunity to harm people who were otherwise minding their own business.

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Until the city’s voters make the collective decision to stop electing soft-on-crime Democrats, New York City is sure to be a place that more people will eliminate from their lists of potential vacation destinations.

Hutcherson is charged with felony counts of second-degree attempted murder, first and second-degree assault, attempted assault in the first degree and endangering the welfare of a child. Each charge will be prosecuted as a hate crime.

How long Hutcherson will remain in jail is the only question.

He was charged with and pleaded guilty to threatening someone with a knife just a few weeks ago, WABC reported.

Neither that crime nor Hutcherson’s confession were enough for New York City’s broken justice system to keep him behind bars.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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