
Ted Cruz Says Biden Travels with Extra Pair of Pants in Case He Poops Himself


Sometimes an unpleasant image or association perfectly suits a career politician and his legacy.

On Tuesday — the fourth day of Turning Point USA’s annual AmericaFest event — Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas got some laughs when he told the audience in Phoenix that President Joe Biden’s aides have adopted special traveling precautions.

“Listen, we have a president of the United States [whose] team carries extra pairs of pants with him when he travels in case he has poopy pants,” Cruz said in a clip posted to X by conservative commentator Collin Rugg.

“Big and stinky if true,” Rugg wrote in an accompanying caption.

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Rugg’s clip, however, featured only half of Cruz’s joke.

“I want you to pause and think how the enemies of America are feeling,” the senator added.

Then, after a brief pause, he delivered the punchline: “Eh, depends.”

The crowd gave him some laughs, most likely for the effort.

This was not the first time a Republican politician saddled a prominent Democrat with fecal associations.


During a debate last month, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida — a candidate for his party’s presidential nomination — used a “poop map” to show how Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California has long neglected the human waste-strewn streets of San Francisco.

DeSantis noted that Newsom only cleaned up those streets in anticipation of a visit from Chinese communist dictator Xi Jinping.

Of course, one need not dwell on unpleasant sights or smells to understand what Cruz meant about Biden.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

In short, the senator’s bathroom humor landed to a certain extent because it reflected an unfortunate aspect of reality. Whether or not Cruz exaggerated, what he said seemed plausible.

“I wish I could say this sounds ridiculous, but it doesn’t,” one X user commented.

Indeed, the octogenarian Biden often appears to have declined both mentally and physically.

On Tuesday, in fact, Axios reported that first lady Jill Biden and senior aides have begun managing the president’s daily schedule in hopes of getting him more rest.

With polls showing former President Donald Trump leading Biden both nationwide and in crucial states, the president will need all the energy he can muster as he embarks on his 2024 re-election campaign.

If the president were a kindly grandfather figure — or a competent leader — maybe people would not mock him for age-related problems.

Biden, however, has presided over the most tyrannical administration in U.S. history. And he has deliberately tried to destroy the country through his lack of immigration enforcement.

Thus, involuntary presidential defecation constitutes the least of Americans’ problems. Biden richly deserves any stinky associations that might attach to his name.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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