
Ted Cruz: Biden's Radical Immigration Plan Allows 'Criminals, Murderers, Rapists' to Enter America


Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas blasted President Joe Biden’s unhinged “open borders” immigration platform, which he said will make “our country more dangerous.”

Cruz warned that the Biden administration is “moving rapidly toward open borders” as part of the “most radical immigration plan any administration has ever proposed in history.”

The Harvard-educated attorney — who’s the son of legal Cuban immigrants — sounded the alarm Thursday on “The Michael Berry Show” podcast.

“They have proposed allowing every single person who was deported from this country for the last four years to come back,” Cruz said. “And by the way, they don’t make exceptions for criminals, for murderers, for rapists.”

He slammed Biden’s destructive move to reverse the tough policies of former President Donald Trump, whose initiatives slashed illegal border crossings.

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“I mean, it is utterly bizarre to have a federal administration refusing to enforce the law against violent criminals,” Cruz said. “And frankly, it makes, it makes our country more dangerous.”

Cruz said the United States had always welcomed immigrants — as long as they come legally and don’t break longstanding federal immigration laws that career politicians like Biden helped pass decades ago.


Instead of changing the laws through Congress, Democrats insist on flouting the legislation that they helped put in place years ago.

“We are a nation of immigrants, and there are wonderful people who come here and come here legally. There’s a right way to come,” Cruz explained.

“But today’s Democratic Party has been radicalized where … they’re not even willing to enforce the law against violent criminals who are committing horrific crimes.”

Cruz’s remarks came two days after a Trump-appointed federal judge blocked the Department of Homeland Security from halting deportations pursuant to a lawsuit filed by Texas’ Republican attorney general, Ken Paxton.

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In issuing the preliminary injunction, U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton sided with Texas, which said it would suffer significant and “irreparable harm” from the Biden administration’s “sudden shift” in deportations.

On the first day of Biden’s presidency, his DHS issued a sweeping directive ordering an immediate 100-day pause on all deportations.

The shocking Jan. 20 internal DHS memo obtained by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson read: “As of midnight tonight, stop all removals. This includes Mexican bus runs, charter flights and commercial removals (until further notice) … all cases are to be considered [no significant likelihood of removal in foreseeable future].”

The memo continued: “Release them all, immediately. No sponsor available is not acceptable any longer.”

Predictably, the left has smeared Cruz as “racist” for pointing out that rapists and murderers lurk among the migrant caravans storming our borders every day. However, this contention is supported by facts.

In 2019, more than 331 illegal aliens were charged with 1,172 child rapes and child sexual assaults in the state of North Carolina alone, according to North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement.

Independent researcher James Johnson, who tracks the data for the group, said these child rapes by illegal aliens aren’t limited just to his state.

They’re happening everywhere, he told The Epoch Times in 2019.

“It’s happening in every state — we just happen to be compiling the information. It’s a mess,” Johnson said. “The ones that I cannot confirm as being illegal aliens, I do not put in the reports. So our reports are obviously on the low side every month.”

This is Biden’s America: Where illegal aliens and other criminals are prioritized above taxpaying U.S. citizens and lawful residents.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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