
Teachers' Union President Ruins Her Push to Keep Schools Closed with 1 Tweet


As if we need confirmation, the president of one of the country’s largest teachers’ unions took to Twitter this week to let us know that educators, to a shocking degree, don’t care about their students.

The head of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, actually flouted school re-openings and the coronavirus mitigation measures she and others claim so strongly to care about for all the world to see.

The influential Weingarten posted an image of herself online apparently in New Mexico to show that her and other union officials have no issue with gathering in close spaces — as long as those spaces aren’t classrooms.

A selfie is worth a thousand words.

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“So great to finish the day in New Mexico with our great leaders,” Weingarten wrote alongside an image of what appeared to be AFT New Mexico delegates.

In a follow-up tweet posted on Friday, the union boss shared that she had been working with others on how to safely open schools in New Mexico.

“I just had a fantastic school visit in New Mexico. Stapleton Elementary has done reopening for in-person learning right. I just described it here. We want our kids in school- safely & equitably,” she wrote.

Don’t bother watching this woman’s video; it is nothing more than political theatre. She’s not afraid of teachers catching the coronavirus and dying — obviously.

Teachers’ unions and the despicable people who run them can save their rhetoric about safety because no serious person is buying it anymore. Millions of American kids are languishing at home right now for the 14th consecutive month while their schools collect dust.

Simultaneously, those kids are asked to sign in on computers daily for instruction in a way that is supposed to somehow supplant an actual education. Kids are struggling, truant and some of them are becoming suicidal.


They need guidance, socialization and normal activities. Kids need structure. What gives? It appears as those teachers across the country, at the direction of people such as Weingarten, are simply holding out on going back to class for the sake of holding out.

It’s a national disgrace.

Teachers were prioritized in many states to receive vaccines early on. As of this moment, virtually any person who wants a vaccine can receive one at no cost and with ease — including many students.

But the people who are holding our kids hostage insist that it isn’t safe. That’s of course all for show. The AFT head couldn’t even resist posting an image of herself online for the world to see, so she could expose the fraud.

Months ago, during the holidays, an image like the one Weingarten shared, would have had someone labeled as a homicidal maniac. The union head would have been deemed a sickening person hosting a super spreader event.

Where’s the social distancing?

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It’s blatant that Weingarten isn’t too concerned with enacting safe COVID practices in schools. But this pandemic has apparently given her an opportunity to exercise her power over children, teachers, school districts, cities and working parents.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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