
Teacher Corrupts Innocence: 1st Graders Taught About Masturbation, Others Torture Pornography


A sex ed instructor is out at a New York City prep school after teaching first graders about masturbation.

The New York Times reported that the “sex-positive” teacher, Justine Ang Fonte, resigned in June following outrage from parents. Apparently, some wealthy New Yorkers are still sane enough to oppose such material in first-grade classrooms.

Fonte is said to have shown children a cartoon that advised, “It’s OK to touch yourself and see how different body parts feel, but it’s best to only do it in private.”

This is disgusting but, sadly, hardly surprising.

Fonte is defending her sick lesson in the name of trying to prevent child sex abuse.

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“I equip [children] with a way that they can exercise body agency and consent, by knowing exactly what those [body] parts are, what they are called, and how to take care of them,” she told The Times.

“That was paired with lessons around what are the different ways to say ‘no’? … And why you should never have a secret between a grown-up and you. Because it’s never your responsibility as a child to hold a secret or information of a grown-up.”

According to the New York Post, Fonte has also come under fire for giving a presentation to high school students called “Pornography Literacy: An Intersectional Focus on Mainstream Porn.”

The presentation covered such genres of pornography as “incest-themed,” “barely legal” and torture.

This was all part of a so-called “Healthy Sexuality Workshop” at New York’s Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, The Times reported.


Fonte lashed out at school administrators for not standing behind her when parents took issue with what she was teaching their kids.

“I wanted to believe that Columbia Prep was a school that was ready to take on these issues in an educational, intellectual way and at least one person at that school trusted that I could do it,” she told The Times. “And I did. But they weren’t ready to back it up, and it cost me my safety.”

Fonte now plans to write children’s books, according to the outlet. Surely these won’t be deeply prurient.

The fact that Fonte was allowed to introduce 6- and 7-year-old children to masturbation in the first place is a sign of our twisted times.

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Not so long ago, showing garbage like this to innocent kids would have been properly considered child abuse. Now, the “sex-positive” (read: licentious) left has taken over our children’s classrooms.

Make no mistake, this is not sex education — it’s purposeful exposure to perversion.

These kids should be spared. They have an entire life ahead of them to be seeped in our sinful culture.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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