
Tea Party Patriots Files FEC Complaint Against Twitter and Jack Dorsey: 'Penalized to the Fullest Extent of the Law'


Twitter is continuing to feel the repercussions of its handling of the bombshell Hunter Biden exposé from the New York Post that chronicled his alleged dealings with Ukraine.

The Tea Party Patriots Foundation, which is affiliated with Tea Party Patriots Action, the conservative nonprofit that publishes this website, has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Twitter and two of its top executives for allegedly violating federal campaign finance laws.

The two executives in question are Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey, as well as Twitter Vice President of Global Communications Brandon Borrman.

“The Complaint details the use of the Twitter corporate resources to suppress negative news stories about presidential candidate Joe Biden, while disseminating negative news stories and taking other negative actions regarding President Donald Trump,” a statement from the TPPF reads.

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“Twitter and its executives, Dorsey and Borrman, are knowingly and willfully using the resources of their multi-billion dollar corporate leviathan to assist and promote Biden while at the same time, and for several months now, disseminating negative stories about President Trump, and challenging, blocking and undermining information from and by President Trump,” TPPF president Jenny Beth Martin said in the statement.

“Federal law prohibits corporations from using their treasury funds and corporate resources in support of or opposition to federal candidates. Twitter’s conduct is in blatant disregard of federal law.”

“The most glaring example of Twitter’s illegal actions is the comparison of how Twitter has treated the New York Times’ negative stories about President Trump’s tax returns — which the New York Times clearly did not obtain properly — versus the blocking by Twitter of the New York Post’s story about Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s use of his father’s government positions to enrich himself and the Biden family,” Martin added.

According to Axios, Twitter’s actions against the Hunter Biden story still didn’t stop it from being the top election-related story last week, in terms of Facebook and Twitter interactions.

In fact, the story about the social media companies’ actions regarding the Hunter Biden story was the second-most interacted with story on those two platforms.

“There are criminal penalties for willful and knowing violations of campaign finance law in amounts involving $25,000.00 or more. Clearly, these lawbreakers at Twitter have willfully and knowingly used the Twitter corporate resources well in excess of $25,000 in their ongoing efforts to support the Biden candidacy while opposing President Trump’s reelection,” Martin said.

It’s not just Twitter trying to suppress the story. Multiple television networks gave the explosive allegations less than 10 minutes of coverage total … across two days.

“Twitter, Dorsey and Borrman must all be penalized to the fullest extent of the law,” Martin said.

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