
Tea Party Patriots Action Recruits and Trains 1,000s of Poll Watchers, New Website Launched to Bring In More


Tea Party Patriots Action announced Thursday it has recruited and helped train more than 8,000 poll watchers and workers in key swing states.

The group is still recruiting more through the newly launched website

A spokesman for Tea Party Patriots Action says over 1,000 new recruits have volunteered in the last 24 hours.

“This year, TPPA conducted a multi-state election integrity tour recruiting and training poll watchers and poll workers in key battleground states, including Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona,” the group said in a Thursday news release.

Jenny Beth Martin, TPPA honorary chairwoman, explained the importance of the initiative in a statement.

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“Election integrity is one of the top issues for conservatives, given the controversies over the 2020 presidential vote. One of the most important elements of election integrity is making sure there isn’t a liberal bias among poll watchers and poll workers,” she said.

“In the past, training poll watchers and poll workers was an underserved priority for conservatives. No longer. Tea Party Patriots Action is leading the fight for election integrity,” Martin continued.

She noted the multi-state push over the last several months in key swing states to train poll watchers and workers.


“Now we are launching a new website — — to bolster our recruitment efforts. We will continue this necessary push with so much on the line in the next two weeks,” Martin said.

Martin told “War Room” host Steve Bannon this week, “If you’re concerned about the outcome of the election and want to ensure we have honest and transparent elections, go to our website — — sign up to be a poll watcher and we will get you trained and work to help you get placed locally so you can be poll watchers.

“In the key states — Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania — there are still opportunities for poll watchers. We need more poll watchers. We have more than we had in 2020, but we still have shifts to fill,” she further explained.

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In a piece for the Daily Caller published last week, Martin recounted that TPPA has been working with various groups, including “Heritage Action, Conservative Partnership Institute, Honest Elections Project and the Voter Reference Foundation at the national level and the Virginia Institute for Public Policy and Georgia’s VoterGA, among others, at the state level.”

“Our goal has been to build permanent election integrity infrastructure in every state and a local election integrity citizen task force in every county,” she said.

Finite resources are the reason their efforts have been focused on Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. However, work has also been done in Florida, Michigan, North Carolina and Colorado.

Martin argued that it is vital to the political health of the nation for people to be able to trust elections are “free, fair and secure.”

“The good news is, Americans are, by their nature, optimistic and confident. We are self-starters. We don’t wait for someone else to take action, we take action ourselves,” she wrote.

“In this case, we’ve flocked to fill the holes in the system by volunteering our time and effort to learn how to serve as poll workers and poll watchers, and we’ve signed up for the work, so that we and our fellow citizens can be assured that election outcomes truly and honestly reflect the choice of the voters.”

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