
Stelter on CNN Blasts Fox News for Criticizing Biden, Asks if There Are Any Anti-Trump Outlets


Many people who wear eyeglasses have, at one point or another, discovered their glasses are missing.

They rummage through drawers and look under furniture, only to discover that that didn’t actually lose the glasses.

They were actually wearing them the entire time.

It’s a humorous moment, when one falls into a moment of unawareness.

CNN’s Brian Stelter doesn’t wear glasses, at least not on TV, but he displayed a similar sense of incognizance recently, searching for something that isn’t lost, but is actually on his person, and indeed all around him.

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The host of “Reliable Sources” uses his program to package unreliable information and show it to his relatively small audience.

Some would call Stelter’s reporting “fake news.”

It is bad journalism, which stands to reason, as Stelter is a dishonest person.

And he’s apparently become so adept at lying that he is now capable of deceiving himself.


In attempting to smear news organizations which are not in the pocket of the Democratic National Committee, Stelter sought to find one which is biased against President Donald Trump.

That’s a laughable concept, as every serious person who’s staked a claim in the direction of their country’s future knows Trump has few allies, aside from his base and the voters who opted to take a chance on his long-shot candidacy in 2016.

On Sunday, Stelter asked a panel of other so-called journalists to discuss with him the impact of conservative media, which has grown in influence as Americans have sought an escape from the mainstream media’s leftist activism.

“Negative partisanship,” Stelter said before opening up the panel discussion, “is happening in all directions, but it is especially extreme, especially vitriolic on the right, directed at Joe Biden. And directed at other Democrats right now.

“We see it all the time on Fox News, a channel that often seems more anti-Democrat than pro-Trump,” he added, according to NewsBusters.

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Stelter then talked with Errin Haines, the editor-at-large of a media website called The 19th, about his perception that conservative news outlets are out to get former Vice President Joe Biden.

It was during this exchange that Stelter asked one of the most profoundly absurd questions ever asked on CNN, and that includes Don Lemon asking whether a rogue Indian Ocean black hole might have stolen an entire airplane in 2014.

“When you see entire media companies essentially exist to tear down Joe Biden, is there an equivalent to that on the left, tearing down Trump?” Stelter asked.

Stelter, either unaware of his bias, suffering through some fit of self-denial, or attempting to preserve a facade that he is a journalist, was at that very moment the face of the media company which he asked about.

He is CNN personified.

He was the answer to his own problem.

He’d have been taken more seriously if he’d been searching for his chair while sitting in it — or had asked Haines if she’d seen his eyeglasses while he was wearing them.

At this point, CNN exists almost solely to oppose Trump, his policies and his supporters.

To even ask whether there are news organizations which operate with a mission to torpedo Trump’s presidency and re-election prospects makes a mockery of common sense.

To ask such a question while hosting a CNN program was insulting to those who were unfortunate enough to have seen it.

Aside from many of those at Fox News and a handful of smaller networks, every single major TV news organization operates every day with a singular goal: to destroy the president.

Trump is also the target of countless leftist online media companies and the social media giants which show them preferential treatment as they work in unison to mislead voters.

But no organization wears its disdain for Trump more on its sleeve than CNN, and no other cable news host vehemently opposes our president in a more more absurd manner than the unreliable host of “Reliable Sources.”

No employee at CNN is more disingenuous, unaware and untrustworthy than Brian Stelter.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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