
Spice Company That Called Republicans Racist Loses 40,000 Subscribers, Begs for Customers to Come Back


Wisconsin cooking spice company Penzey’s Spices is desperately asking liberals to help them rebuild since the company lost tens of thousands of customers after its CEO began publicly calling Republicans racists.

The repeated outbursts by the company’s CEO caused customers to quit the spice company en masse, but Penzey’s still went 100 percent all-in with its “all Republicans are racists” theme.

The spice purveyor went so far down the left-wing rabbit hole that it recently held a sale during Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend entitled the “Republicans are Racist Weekend” sale, according to Fox Business Network.

In its January newsletter, the company also claimed that white people fantasize about murdering blacks.

“Remember how Republicans, going against a mountain of evidence to the contrary, once again lied and said BLM wasn’t a peaceful movement but instead terrorists inciting violence throughout the country and then raced out to buy a crapload of guns because maybe they were finally going to get their chance to shoot a Black person? What a bunch of racists,” Penzey’s email said.

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Of course, we know that the BLM movement is little short of a domestic terror group, which was responsible for countless riots, billions in property damage, rampant violence and even murders and brazen attacks on police in places such as Seattle and New York City.

But the plan to outright call half the country — and nearly all white people — racist is apparently not working out so well for Penzey’s. Recently hate-mongering CEO Bill Penzey emailed his liberal customers literally begging them to get their left-wing pals to buy Penzey spices because the company has lost so much business, WISN reported.

“After starting the year with All Republicans are Republicans and following up with Republicans are Racists, we’ve set a nice little Boycott Penzeys! surge in motion,” Bill Penzey said in an email to customers on Friday. “It certainly wasn’t unexpected, but if it’s within your means, you picking up a small stack of Gift Cards would help.”


WISN added that Penzey “admitted that the ‘Republicans are Racists’ email cost his business 40,005 subscribers, roughly three percent of the total. As a result, Penzey’s is offering a gift card sale ‘with the hope this might make it a bit easier for you to share some and possibly get a few good new customers to replace the ones we’ve lost.'”

Of course the company faced severe backlash on Twitter — with some people even showing pictures of their spices in the garbage.

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While Penzey insisted that the coverage of his hateful attack brought 30,000 new subscribers, he added, “we are still down about 10,000. Please help.”

“His email then takes on a desperate tone, all but begging liberals to sign up for his email list as a way of virtue-signaling their politics,” WISN wryly noted.

In his email, Penzey made a series of outrageous, baseless accusations to smear all Republicans.

“If you can’t even begin to fathom how to ‘compromise’ with Jan. 6, or the Republican vaccine lies needlessly killing 10,000 Americans every week, if you have no desire to become half-way racist, and if their intent to destroy our climate for one thousand years to come doesn’t have you asking: ‘What if we just destroyed it for five-hundred years instead?’ we would be better off with you on this Voice Of Cooking email list,” Penzey wrote.

This is a classic case of playing a stupid game and winning a stupid prize. It is always a bad business practice to begin delivering blanket hate speech against huge swaths of the public.

In years past, people on the right just shrugged when they were confronted with this sort of hatred. Most center-right people rightfully understand that everyone has their own opinions. It is the American way, as we all know.

But many on the right are finally starting to rise up to oppose attacks like this that routinely spill out of leftists in our society today. Clearly tens of thousands of Penzy’s customers are disgusted by the company CEO’s hate, and they are exercising the power of the purse by adding Penzey’s to their personal boycott list.

This stunt clearly ended up backfiring on Penzy’s Spices big time, and now they are begging for liberal customers to come to their aid and validate the CEO’s hate speech. Fortunately, as we see time and time again, when a business goes woke, it goes broke.

Penzey and his company deserve to go out of business for this un-American nonsense.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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