
Shocking Photos: 24K Migrants Apprehended in Last 2 Weeks in South Texas


It’s a pretty impressive feat as president when you start a humanitarian crisis in your first two months in office. It’s even more impressive when many people don’t seem to notice it, or at least how serious it is.

That much, at least, I’ll give to President Joe Biden. It’s impressive what he’s done. He promised to reverse Donald Trump’s immigration policies starting on “Day 1” but hadn’t actually put together a plan to handle the influx of migration this would cause. This was kind of important, since the moment Biden’s victory was declared by the media, it was sure to cause a surge in migration.

The plan consisted of Biden administration members begging migrants not to come and Biden himself saying it would take some time to dismantle what Trump had done.

This had roughly the same effect as Ed Sullivan would have had if, just before he began the episodes featuring the Beatles, he had told the audience to please refrain from screaming.

So now, according to a Border Patrol chief patrol agent in one of the busiest sectors on the southern border, his area has seen 24,000 people taken into custody in the past two weeks.

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Brian Hastings gave that number after a tweet last Friday from Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Joel Martinez regarding yet another migrant group captured trying to illegally enter the country.

An hour later, Hastings pointed out these 159 illegal aliens added to a dumbfounding total of apprehensions for the Rio Grande Sector.


“This group adds to the nearly 24,000 individuals apprehended throughout the [Rio Grande Valley] in the last two weeks,” he wrote.

According to Customs and Border Patrol statistics, “encounters” with unaccompanied minors were up 114 percent for the Rio Grande Sector in February 2021 vs. February 2020.

Family unit encounters were up 104 percent, and single adult encounters were up 167 percent.

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This is what a crisis looks like. (But don’t call it a crisis — Joe Biden certainly won’t.)

And this is what happens when bad actors with criminal histories try to take advantage of a crisis:

“RGV agents arrested 3 illegal aliens with serious criminal history,” Hastings tweeted Monday. Their crimes included convictions for murder and sexual offenses. As agents deal with the increase of families and unaccompanied alien children, criminal aliens will attempt to conceal themselves among them

“Over the weekend 2 convicted sex offenders were apprehended for re-entering the United States illegally hours apart,” he said in another post.

And, let’s be clear: These aren’t people showing up at border crossings, asking for asylum.

These are the scenes from a humanitarian crisis, once where children under 10 are not only being brought on dangerous treks to the United States by human smugglers but also forced to cross the Rio Grande in rafts — and then abandoned by those smugglers while the craft sank.

Is this humane? Is this controlled? Is the Biden administration doing anything substantive to stop this?

Joe Biden owns every bit of this crisis, all in the midst of a pandemic.

And yet, even after the dereliction of his duty to form a plan to deal with this, he refuses to call it a crisis, much less do anything about it. I doubt anything will change his mind, much less these photos.

However, for many Americans, these pictures might drive home to them just what Biden hath wrought.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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