
'Shawshank Redemption' Star Absolutely Savages Democratic Party and Its War on American Citizens


Far-left Hollywood actor Tim Robbins ripped into his own ilk on Monday morning on Twitter when he shredded the establishment media and others for ignoring the online censorship that occurred during the pandemic.

That is censorship that has only come to light in recent months after Elon Musk bought Twitter and enlisted a number of independent journalists to expose Big Tech’s collusion with Big Government.

The corporate media turned a blind eye with reporters such as Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss showed the country the government worked in tandem with a handful of people in the San Francisco Bay area to shut down any and all dissent surrounding what was acceptable to say online.

Many of those who questioned official narratives surrounding COVID treatments, transmission and vaccines were silenced.

Others were banished from the platform for other but equally chilling reasons.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

It turned out, the federal government in many cases was telling platforms like Twitter who to shut down.

Robins, who is perhaps best known for his role as Andy Dufresne in 1994’s “The Shawshank Redemption,” shared a 10-day-old Twitter thread from Michael Shellenberger — who was also part of the “Twitter Files” — and unleashed on the country’s media apparatus.

Shellenberger commented on the fact what was once considered a conspiracy theory was fact: The powers that be have worked together to silence those who threaten a larger agenda.

“The idea that governments worldwide are working together to censor their citizens sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it’s not. It’s increasingly clear that there is just such an organized effort involving, at a minimum, the US, Canada, UK, & New Zealand,” Shellenberger wrote.


Shellenberger branded the collusion the “Censorship Industrial Complex” and asked for help from whistleblowers for some upcoming reporting.

Robbins, who has always worn his liberal politics on his sleeve, answered the call.

He shared the tweet and skewered Democrats and the “hacks” in the “Mainstream media.”

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

“Recently, independent journalists @mtaibbi @shellenberger @bariweiss have been exposing a massive censorship operation by the US government to control content on social media and eliminate any dissenting voices,” Robins tweeted. “Have you read their reporting? Or are you listening to the embarrassed, compromised hacks from the media that are covering their tracks?”

He continued: “Could be the most important story related to our personal freedoms in the US and it’s being buried. Mainstream media have not only ignored the story but now attack the journalists, effectively serving as a thuggish censorship arm of the government.

He then tagged three Democrats — House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York and non-voting U.S. Virgin Islands delegate Stacey Plaskett.

“Meanwhile, [the Democratic lawmakers] threaten journalist Matt Taibbi with jail time,” he added. “What an embarrassing, shameful time for the Democrats and the ‘free’ press. You are losing any shred of credibility you had, you f***ing fools”

Robins concluded, “Oh, and by the way #FreeAssange.”

WARNING: The following tweet contains language some readers might find offensive.

The actor also shared a quote from George Orwell:

The actor has been vocal in his opposition to blindly following COVID protocols since last year after he admitted he had been mindlessly parroted the official lines.

Whether the actor turning over a new leaf is questionable.

Robins’ generation of liberals used to claim to stand for free speech and they picked what they classified as flights against tyranny.

Perhaps he is just being loyal to his set of values.

The Democratic Party is no longer a body that represents fighting tyranny, so it appears as though Robins might have joined the growing number of Americans who have found themselves political refugees.

In any event, Robins’ influence can’t be overstated and his voice in the fight against the marriage between the oppressive federal government and the corporate oligarchy is welcomed.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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