
Sen. Rick Scott Demands Answers After Discovering Staggering 'Lie' from Biden Admin


With President Joe Biden in the White House, there hasn’t been much to brag about regarding the U.S. economy.

But that hasn’t stopped the Biden administration from hyper-focusing on little slivers of good news, such as its insistence that job growth under Biden has remained strong despite the overall disastrous economy.

Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott is crying foul on that particular narrative after a recent bombshell report by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia revealed that the second-quarter job growth numbers touted by the president and his mouthpieces are way off the mark.

Previously, the Biden administration bragged that between March and June, over a million jobs had been created, based on estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The number made for strong headlines and a much-needed economic bragging point for a struggling presidency.

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“Our job market remains historically strong, with unemployment at 3.6% and more than 1 million jobs created in the second quarter alone,” the White House boasted on July 28.

The revised numbers from the Philadelphia Fed show that the real number is a tiny fraction of that: Only 10,500 jobs were added in that time frame.

Scott ripped the Biden administration for pushing inflated data on the American public in a letter Tuesday to BLS Commissioner William Beach.

“For the better part of his presidency, while the American economy has struggled and record inflation has brought historic pain to families and small businesses across the country, President Joe Biden has consistently bragged about job growth,” the senator wrote.


“Now, thanks to the good work of analysts at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, we know that the BLS inaccurately reported the creation more than one million jobs, and that much of what President Biden has claimed credit for as the economic achievements for his administration is a lie,” he said.

On Wednesday morning, Scott vowed to meet with Beach to learn precisely how the data was so grossly off the mark.

“While the Biden admin touts a successful economy, this report shows only 10,500 jobs were added between March and June 2022—an alarming difference of 1,000,000+ jobs. Americans deserve answers, so I’m meeting with the head of @BLS_gov to get to the bottom of it,” Scott tweeted.

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In Scott’s letter to Beach, he held nothing back, writing that he believes the shocking contrast in jobs numbers “appears to be a massive and incredibly consequential failure that has misled the American people and covered up the damage done to the American economy by President Biden’s radical anti-business, pro-government agenda.”

Scott Letter to BLS Chief by The Western Journal

In a tweet last week, Scott accused the Biden administration of “lying” to the American public about the jobs data.

“WRONG BY A MILLION JOBS. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS,” the Florida senator said. “@JoeBiden’s admin has been lying to the American people about our economy to prop up his failed agenda & I won’t stand for it. I’m requesting an immediate meeting with the head of @BLS_gov. WE NEED ANSWERS NOW!”

Being off by a few thousand or tens of thousands of jobs wouldn’t be ideal, but it probably wouldn’t have been much of an issue, let alone a significant news story. But announcing over a million jobs created when the actual number is less than 11,000 is egregious and inexcusable.

Americans deserve to know why and how the Biden administration can get away with pushing insanely inaccurate misinformation.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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