
School Board Pays Dearly for Decision to Cover Historic Mural, New Members' Move Will Make Them Furious


After three years of controversy, a San Francisco high school is right back where it started in its effort to destroy a historic mural chronicling the life of the father of our country, George Washington, and it’s a good thing, too. At last a sensible decision is seen coming out of the far-left coast.

The saga began back in 2019 when the progressive left decided to destroy the historic “Life of Washington” mural, an epic 1936-era painting about George Washington that was created by Russian artist Victor Arnautoff as part of the Works Progress Administration public art program under President Roosevelt’s New Deal.

In those years just prior to the pandemic hysteria, leftists were carousing through the country and looking for any vestige of American history that they could destroy, including the elimination of Confederate Flags and statues, changing names of military bases and the general memory-holing of U.S. history.

San Francisco’s Washington High School was just one more vote against America in 2019, when school officials decided that the mural painted to commemorate our first president was too racist.

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Subsequently, the San Francisco school board agreed with the school’s demands and voted to paint over the 80-year-old painting to save the eyes of woke students because the mural contained figures representing slaves and in one portion the seemingly dead body of a Native America was featured.

The school board’s vote was explained as ending the hostile environment for minority students at the school.

The board later tried to compromise and voted to create walls or panels to hide the mural instead of outright destroying it. But those plans didn’t meet any more support than the plan to blot the mural out with paint.

Three years of legal battles later, the school board was handed a defeat in court.  Finally, this month, the San Francisco school board revisited the issue and in a 4-3 vote, decided to stop the plans to destroy the painting, ending years of controversy, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.


The school board decided not to challenge the court’s ruling canceling the vote to destroy the mural in part, because the judge that knocked down the school’s plans noted that the school had not performed any environmental studies to judge the impact of painting over the mural or erecting the covering panels/walls to affect the same outcome.

“‘When considering the Board and SFUSD’s meritless position, the Court wonders if they are looking at the record they filed in this proceeding,’ the judge wrote in her decision, adding the evidence ‘overwhelmingly’ supports the George Washington High School Alumni Association, which had filed the suit,” the Chronicle reported.

The latest vote reversing the previous decision means that the mural will remain on view and the district will have to settle with the alumni association that sued to stop the destruction.

Sadly this sort of hate for American history is not just happening in an isolated school in left-wing San Francisco. To cite but a few examples, just last year a Florida school district voted to remove Robert E. Lee’s name from its high school, a school in Missouri decided to train kids to believe that America is “psychologically violent,” and then there have been the many teachers who accosted students with the leftist indoctrination of BLM propaganda hung in classrooms.

That isn’t even to mention the many schools that have begun using the ahistoric, politically motivated “1619 Project” curriculum that teaches kids that America is irredeemably evil, whites are all racists and minorities are to this day still held in virtual slavery.

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Make no mistake, America. The campaign to destroy American history and engage in a Soviet-like rewriting of it to appease the woke left is occurring in every state, and every school district, no matter how conservative voters are in those areas.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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