
Ron DeSantis Proposes Policy That Gas Stove Fans are Going to Love


With all the talk of the authoritarian Biden administration’s moves toward banning America’s gas stoves, Florida Gov .Ron DeSantis is jumping into action to safeguard liberty once again.

Early last month, Biden’s Consumer Product Safety Commission began ruminating in public about how “dangerous” gas kitchen stoves are, claiming they not only add to climate change, but are bad for the health of our children. Even while every sane person rolled their eyes at these proclamations, the Biden operatives nonetheless floated the idea of banning them from being sold in the U.S.

Citing a “study” by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, the CPSC claimed that gas-burning stoves, which are present in 35 percent of national households, account for about 12.7 percent of childhood asthma cases in the U.S., presenting a similar asthma risk to that caused by exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke.

After citing the “study” (more about that in a minute), the CPSC went on to claim that stricter regulations and even bans of stoves sold in the U.S. are on the table, and commission member Richard Trumka, Jr., added that gas stoves are a “hidden hazard,” and insisted that “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

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After the hullabaloo that Trumka and the CPSC kicked up over the absurd idea of banning America’s gas stoves, DeSantis jumped into action with a plan that will send the climate change religionists into orbit by suggesting that Florida should make the purchase of gas stoves a tax-free venture.


The governor added that Biden and his climate-change technocrats are using regulations “to control everything people do” and asked why they aren’t supporting nuclear energy, Florida’s Voice reported.

DeSantis continues to prove that he has his finger on the pulse of the electorate and why he has become both the most loved and — for the far left — the most feared governor in the country.

Still, the hypocrisy is thick with the left. Even as Biden’s cronies are talking about banning gas stoves, the left’s favorite stars are seen on social media cooking on the gas stoves inside their own homes. The hypocrisy of it all went viral when images Jill Biden, Kamala Harris and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez using gas stoves in their homes hit social media.

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After the expected ruckus was kicked up by those who find this latest autocratic outrage to be a bit too much, the CPSC rushed out a follow-up statement saying, “The Commission has not proposed regulatory action at this time. Commission staff also is working with voluntary standards organizations to examine gas stove emissions and address potential hazards,” the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.

The key words are “at this time.”

Now, about that “study.” The nanny state move was further complicated by the fact that the “study” warning that gas stoves promote asthma in kids being used by the CPSC was partly funded by RMI (formerly known as Rocky Mountain Institute), a group that seeks to “accelerate the clean energy transition,” and was co-authored by Brady Seals, the manager of RMI’s Carbon-Free Buildings arm, which aims to retrofit buildings with electric appliances.

In turn, RMI, which used the study to promote stove electrification, has received millions in donations from Breakthrough Energy, a “green energy” investment firm founded by Bill Gates, as well as the Bezos Earth Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies, according to the 2022 RMI donors report.

DeSantis is exactly right. Authoritarians like those leading Biden’s CPSC use the power of government to control everything we do by floating regulations from unaccountable government offices that reach out and strangle commerce, invention and manufacturing, all in service to the radical climate-change agenda. He is also right to use his powers to get government out of people’s lives, not in them.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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