
Republicans Steamroll Biden Impeachment Inquiry Through Congress Without Any Democrat Support


The House of Representatives on Wednesday formally launched its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

The vote was 221-212. All Republicans voted in favor of the inquiry while no Democrats voted for the inquiry outlined in H. Res. 918.

“The facts don’t lie. It’s time to get the American people answers,” House Speaker Mike Johnson posted on X prior to the vote.

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The action was taken in hopes that it will add might to the House Republican majority’s efforts to compel testimony through subpoenas, according to NBC.

So far, subpoenas and requests for transcribed interviews with staffers, Biden family members and their associates have had to battle White House resistance that no official inquiry had been authorized.

“We think a formal vote of the majority of the House, on record, for a power that solely resides with the House — that helps us if, in fact, we’ve got to go to court,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio said.

“Hopefully, just passing it in and of itself is enough to say, ‘OK, guys, come in and talk to us,’” he said.


Other Republicans agreed that if the step yields more information from President Joe Biden, it should be taken.

“If he’s not providing the information because he says there’s no formal impeachment inquiry, that means we need a formal impeachment inquiry to get the information,” Republican Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska said, noting that an inquiry does not automatically trigger a vote to impeach Biden.

“Voting in favor of an impeachment inquiry does not equal impeachment,” Republican Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota said, according to CNN.

“We will continue to follow the facts wherever they lead, and if they uncover evidence of treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors, then and only then will the next steps towards impeachment proceedings be considered,” he said, Just the News reported.

As noted by Fox News, the House Oversight, Ways and Means, and Judiciary committees have been investigating connections between the president and his son, Hunter Biden, during the years Joe Biden was vice president, as well as connections formed after that with nations such as China that could have an impact on American policies.

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In his remarks Wednesday supporting the inquiry, Oversight Chairman Rep. James Comer of Kentucky said the truth must emerge.

“Joe Biden has repeatedly lied to the American people about his family’s corrupt influence-peddling schemes. He told the American people he never spoke to his son about his family’s business dealings. He claimed there was an absolute wall between his official government duties as vice president and his family. He said his family never made money from China. All of these are blatant lies,” Comer said in a video posted to X.

“Our investigation has revealed how Joe Biden knew of, participated in, and benefited from his family cashing in on the Biden name around the world,” he said, later adding that the panel is meeting resistance.

“We’re now at a pivotal moment in our investigation. We will soon depose and interview several members of the Biden family and their associates about these influence-peddling schemes. But we are facing obstruction from the White House,” Comer said.

“The White House is seeking to block key testimony from current and former White House staff. It is also withholding thousands of records from Joe Biden’s time as vice president. President Biden must be held accountable for his lies, corruption, and obstruction.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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