
Republican Wins Competitive State House Seat by 74 Votes


Particularly in today’s age and political climate, it can feel aggressively hopeless to trudge to a polling station.

After all, in an ironic twist, people from all across the ideological spectrum have some sort of issue with elections as of late (both 2016 and 2020 elections have apparently been stolen, depending on who you ask), and it’s not an issue that appears to be going away.

Even with total faith in election integrity, it can feel hopeless being just one vote in a sea of millions — “Will my vote really make a difference?” is an alarmingly common refrain in modern American politics.

Well, a recent state House race in Virginia proved that those feelings are misguided because:

  1. Your vote absolutely matters.
  2. Elections matter.
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As to the first point, kudos are in order for newly minted Virginia House of Delegates Rep. Kim Taylor, who won a deeply competitive race to secure the seat.

But unlike many cases where “competitive” is a gracious descriptor so the loser doesn’t feel too bad, Taylor was truly and genuinely in a dog fight.

The Virginia businesswoman-turned-representative won her race by a razor thin margin of just 74 votes.

Yes, 74 votes.

Taylor took to X on Sunday to tout her hard-fought win:

“The people have spoken, the votes have been counted, and we made history again,” Taylor said in a statement she posted to social media.

She continued: “After a week of canvassing and counting outstanding votes, the Department of Elections concluded what we knew on election night: our campaign won.

“By focusing on kitchen table issues like the economy, public safety, and education, voters in the 82nd House District rejected the polarizing politics that consumed the rest of Virginia.

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“I am thankful for the support our campaign received before and after Election Day, and I look forward to getting back to Richmond and delivering for our District.

“The election is over, and it is time to get back to work.”

It goes without saying that Taylor’s victory would not have been possible had just 75 people decided to let apathy or laziness take over — highlighting just how important voting, even in local elections is and can be.


And the importance of every last vote further highlights just how precarious these elections can be.

Take, for example, Taylor’s fellow Virginian and House delegate candidate, Democrat Susanna Gibson.

Despite running a pristine campaign, things swiftly went awry for Gibson when it was revealed that she had performed sexual acts for “tips” on a pornographic web site in the past — and she ultimately lost.

It doesn’t take much (again, a 74-vote margin of victory is razor-thin) to swing these elections that can have such profound impact on everyday Americans.

Think of the difference those 74 votes can and will likely make.

Seventy-four votes in that district could be the difference between crippling taxes or humming economies, unborn babies living or dying, and Americans thriving or merely surviving.

So get out and vote. It truly does matter.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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