
Reporter Corners Psaki with Very First Question of Presser: Why Won't Biden Answer Us?


President Joe Biden holds the record for a president who has gone the longest without holding a media briefing, and on Friday, a reporter finally held his administration’s feet to the fire over it.

Was it opposite day, or had Biden’s lack of transparency finally gotten so severe that even the biased, no-good leftist establishment media had to finally ask the question: Where the heck is Joe Biden?

It didn’t appear to be opposite day on Friday, as White House press secretary Jen Psaki was still evasive as ever, so it appears even the activist media has its breaking point. That breaking point is apparently 45 days.

Tired of being ignored, or having their shouted questions at him half answered, a reporter in the White House media pool finally asked Psaki questions about her boss and his whereabouts.

“So we’re 45 days into the Biden presidency, and he has yet to hold a presser. At this point in past presidencies, every president, you know, from Reagan, had addressed reporters — some of them multiple times. So why the delay, and when can we expect the president to hold a press conference?” Psaki was asked.

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Indeed, over the last 100 years, no president has gone longer than 33 days without taking questions in a formal environment with reporters. It’s historic and embarrassing, especially when you take into account that there are people who suspect Biden might not even be capable of taking questions, as there is a great deal of speculation about his cognitive health.

Surely, Psaki is aware of both Biden’s lack of accessibility and about the mounting questions surrounding his mental wellbeing. But how do you answer that question? How do you explain to people that your boss — the president of the United States — is unable or unwilling to speak with people?


Psaki answered in a way that she’d apparently hoped would put an end to the question. She gave a prolonged answer which somehow managed to say a lot and still say nothing really at all.

“Well, first, as all of you know, the president takes questions several times a week.  He took questions actually twice yesterday, which is an opportunity for the people covering the White House to ask him about whatever news is happening on any given day,” she said, according to a White House transcript of her remarks.

“We look forward to holding a full press conference in the coming weeks, before the end of the month. And we’re working on setting a final date for that. And as soon as we do, we will let you all know.”

She wasn’t even close to being finished with the answer.

“But this president came in during a historic crisis — two historic crises: a pandemic like the country had not seen in decades and decades and an economic downturn that left 10 million people out of work,” she added.

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“So I think the American people would certainly understand if his focus and his energy and his attention has been on ensuring we secure enough vaccines to vaccinate all Americans, which we will do by the end of May, and then pushing for a Rescue Plan that will provide direct checks to almost 160 million Americans.”

Still, Psaki wasn’t finished.

“That’s where his time, energy, his focus has been. But in the meantime, he takes questions multiple times a week and looks forward to continuing to do that. And as soon as we have a press conference set, we’ll let you know,” she circled back.

If Psaki was hoping her drawn-out monologue would help her pivot to another line of questioning, she was wrong. A follow-up was actually asked.

“Sure. Those [quick interactions], though, are not an ideal form for us to be asking questions. He can’t hear us half the time. We get, maybe, two questions, and then we’re shuffled out. So why hasn’t he answered questions from the press at this point? Is it just that he’s too busy?” the reporter asked.

Psaki must be sensitive to the subject, because she actually seemed to know, by heart, how many shouted questions Biden had answered or half-answered.

For the record, this doesn’t count as a media briefing:

“I think he’s answered questions. I believe that count is almost 40 times. So — and I would say that his focus, again, is on getting recovery and relief to the American people,” Psaki said. “And he looks forward to continuing to engage with all of you and to members of the — other members of the media who aren’t here today. And we’ll look forward to letting you know as soon as that press conference is set.”

That’s it? Biden will hold a formal media briefing — hopefully — by the end of the month?

What’s next? Will Psaki demand questions for that presser be submitted by the end of this coming week?

From what we just heard, he might even cancel it if he’s tired from defeating the coronavirus and fixing the economy.

You knew it was bad when the opening question from Psaki’s briefing was about Biden’s 45-day absence. The situation became critical when her prolonged excuse wasn’t good enough, and it required a follow-up.

Biden is in trouble if he loses the Democrat-friendly media.

While that hasn’t occurred yet, it appears patience with him and Psaki on the issue is growing thin.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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