
Reporter Asks the One Question We Need the Answer to After Migrants Overrun US Soldiers, But KJP's Response Says It All


It’s not hard to find a landmine when asking White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre a question.

The Biden administration official has frequently cut off members of the press who push against President Joe Biden, shutting down dissent of him.

Unfortunately, when such a massive mess of an administration is rife with issues, it can be hard not to ask a hard question.

During the daily briefing at the White House on Friday, ABC News correspondent MaryAlice Parks asked Jean-Pierre whether Biden had “seen that dramatic video of migrants surging past National Guardsmen in Texas — in El Paso?”

The video she was referring to features a mob of illegal immigrants tearing down a barbed wire fence at the border before pushing against members of the Texas National Guard.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Jean-Pierre began her response by saying, “I mean, look, I have not spoken to the president about that video.”

And in classic Biden administration fashion, rather than taking any responsibility for the border crisis it has caused, the press secretary then blamed Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.


“You know, I really, truly believe that’s a question for, you know, the Republican governor of Texas, right? This is — this is something that he should address, that he should actually speak to,” she said.

Jean-Pierre said that “you have a governor of Texas who’s continued to politicize this.”

In fact, Abbott and his state have attempted to secure the Texas-Mexico border as it has been overrun by illegal immigrants urged on by the Biden administration, deploying Texas National Guard troops to stop the invasion.

Blaming just one Republican wasn’t enough for Jean-Pierre, as she then claimed that “congressional Republicans need to move on this.”

“What they’re doing instead — and this is the bipartisan agreement, obviously — is listening to the former President [Donald] Trump tell them not to get involved in moving forward this bipartisan agreement because of his own personal politics, because it will help this president,” she continued.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Trump and many GOP lawmakers oppose the “bipartisan agreement” because, among other things, it would allow 5,000 illegal immigrants a day into the country before a mandatory border shutdown would take effect.

Parks followed up by saying, “Are you saying that Americans should just expect that there will continue to be a standoff between the National Guardsmen and the border agents?”

“What is the resolution there?” she asked the press secretary — a simple but infinitely complex question for the Biden administration.

Jean-Pierre’s response said it all.

“The resolution is pushing for — with the bipartisan agreement that came out of the Senate with Republicans and Democrats,” she said. “That’s the solution.”

“But with all due respect, it doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere,” Parks shot back.

“There’s no ‘all due respect.’ You are asking me a question. I am telling you the solution,” the press secretary responded.

It’s bizarre to see her blatantly deflect blame for the horrible policy decisions of the Biden administration, but it is her job.

Jean-Pierre is attempting to cover for an administration that has done everything within its power to actively enable illegal immigration, only recently changing its tune on the border crisis as the issue was making for some horrific headlines with an election fast approaching.

There’s nothing good about causing a problem and then fixing it.

If the Biden administration hadn’t reversed the border policies of former President Donald Trump, perhaps things could be better.

But no, the Democratic president came in on day one determined to undo absolutely everything done by his predecessor.

Americans are paying for his indiscretion and mistakes.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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