
Red Alert: Kari Lake Drops Massive New Lawsuit After Court Pulls Dirty Trick


Kari Lake is filing an appeal with the Arizona Supreme Court to have that court hear her allegations that 8,000 votes in the 2022 election were “misconfigured.”

Lake lost the election for Arizona governor to Democrat Katie Hobbs. Since then, Lake has waged an uphill legal battle in which she has claimed that the election was marred by administrative errors that effectively disenfranchised thousands of voters.

She filed her latest appeal of a court ruling that went against her in May, according to the Arizona Republic.

That filing, which dealt with election issues in Maricopa County, was transferred to an appeals court based in Tucson. Lake was outraged at the move and protested it on Twitter.

“Well, the Arizona appellate court just transferred our election case to another appellate court division which doesn’t even cover Maricopa County,” she wrote on Sunday. “That appellate court covers Pima County which means the most Marxist part of the state will be hearing our case.”

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Lake is now calling for her case to be heard by the state Supreme Court.

In the lawsuit, “Lake asks this Court to transfer her appeal from the Court of Appeals based on the extraordinary new evidence presented in Lake’s motion for relief from judgment … this case’s statewide importance, and the urgency of remedying election maladministration affecting the 2022 election and the upcoming 2024 election.”


The lawsuit says Lake’s “extraordinary new evidence” shows that Maricopa County “falsely certified that it successfully completed logic and accuracy … testing on October 11, 2022.”

Lake’s legal team argues that errors in printing ballots “could only result from malware or remote access and resulted in at least 8,000 misconfigured ballots, the vast majority of which were neither duplicated nor counted.”

The lawsuit alleges that Maricopa County officials changed memory cards in the county’s voting systems and never tested them prior to the election.

The lawsuit also notes that Maricopa County used Dominion software version 5.10 for the election, when the only version certified for use was 5.5B.

“The foregoing faults means there is no way to know if the votes cast or tabulated were correctly recorded,” the lawsuit says.

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In addition, the lawsuit claims the signatures on absentee ballots were not properly verified.

“Maricopa’s time stamp log data shows that Maricopa reviewers compared and verified voter signatures … at humanly impossible speeds. More than 70,000 voter signatures were supposedly ‘compared’ and ‘verified’ in under two seconds each, and more than 276,000 signatures took less than three seconds each,” the lawsuit says.

“This is, I believe, our best hope to get reform in our elections: my case,” Lake said, according to Just the News.

“I believe it’s the greatest election case. We have the truth on our side. We have tons of evidence. Yes, we haven’t had a judge rule in our favor. But it takes a lot of courage to make the right ruling on this case.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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